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dark prince
We discover lost Carpathians in this book but not that many bad guys :) Although one vampire has been around a long time :) Six members of the society also died but we really don't get that much information on them.

The Vampires

2 vampires drawn out by Desari's song. The lesser vampire killed by Julian quickly. The other one was in charge and wanted Desari but was also killed.
Vampire who Julian grew up with. Killed by Julian.
Member of the band when he turned vampire he savagely raped Syndil before Darius came to her aid and killed him. Barack was close to him.
Bernardo: A Vampire who made Julian exchange blood with him at the age of 12. Because of him Julian lived alone always in fear that he would put others in damger. Killed By Julian but not before he tried to capture Syndil.

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