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dark fire
This book had a few vampires here and there but we really didn't get any names :) We did meet another society member but he wasn't that hard to deal with :) All in the real bag guy was Skyler's step dad now he was scary.
The Vampires

This book was full of unknowns! First we meet a vampire that turned really young. When Lucian asks him why he says that the Prince favors some people with lifemates. Gabriel kills him right away.

Than there are the vampires who Gabriel fought at the cemetery. Lucian defeats the master vampire by telling him he doesn't want to live anymore and he chokes. The three lesser vampires two are killed by Gabriel and one by Lucian.

The last unknown vamp we meet is the one that's controlling Brice. That's one of the reasons I don't include Brice because he was being controlled and we get the idea that Francesca is going to save him.
Anyway this vampire has no chance either he's killed by Gabriel.

The Human Bad Guys

Now for the human bad guys most of them are the men that raped Skyler.

Mr. Thompson- Skylers father he used her to get his drugs by selling her body to his friends. He was incapable about performing sexually. He was killed by Gabriel.

Paul Lafitte & 3 others- Paul was one of the men who used Skylers body and battered her mind. All four men were killed by Lucian.

Barry Woods- The only society member we met this time around. We find out from him that the society members don't really know each other now and contact each other through a website and the phone. He's another reporter but Francesca makes sure he will say she is human. Gabriel wipes her from his memory completely since he has some sort of block that's very strong.

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