Sure you read Dark Gold but do you know those annoying little details? Are you ready for a quiz?If you get nine or more right you can enter the hall of fame!
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25 years 10 years 23 years
2. How old is Alexandria according to the book? (yep it says it I have the page # to prove it!
23 24 (again doesn't he kill everybody?) 25
3. How old was Josh going to be when his parents died?
4 2 6
4. How many blood exchanges does Alexandria make in Dark Gold?
3 2 4
5. Which of these was not a bodyguard hired by Aidan?
Rusty Stefan Vinnie De Marco
6. According to Gregori how many years did he give Savannah?
5 7 2
7. Which vampire kidnapped Alex & Joshua?
Diego Ramon Paul Yohenstria
8. Which artist did Thomas Ivan use for his Nighthawks game?
Alexandria Houton Bo Brady Don Michaels
9. In Dark Gold several cities are said to attract vampires which one of these is not one of the ones mentioned?
L.A. Chicago New Orleans
10. How tall is Alexandria?
Tall Short Doesn't say
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