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YOUR CURRENTLY IN QUOTES! The Funniest things are said by Carpathians

Some of the funniest things are said by Carpathians sometimes even before
they get there emotions back :) Who needs comedy central
when you've got a good-looking Carpathian! These are my
favorite quotes do you have some you want to share? E-mail me!

Dark Prince Quotes

Raven "Come on Jacques, don't you find this even a bit nerve racking?"
Jacques "Being caged with a beautiful lunatic, you mean"
Raven "ha, ha, ha. Do all Carpathian males think they're stand up comedians?"
Jacques "Just those of us with sisters-in-laws who bounce off walls. I feel like I am watching a Ping-Pong ball. Settle down."

Jacques "I spend a lot of time pulling your butt out of trouble, big brother. You would think a man a good two hundred years older than me would have the sense to watch his own back side."
Mikhail"You get pretty cocky when I am lying on my backside."

Dark Desire Quotes

Gregori to Jacques & Mikhail "No wonder our people have problems. The women are ruling, and you two besotted idiots just follow along."

Shea "Nothing is going to happen to me, Jacques. I think your having anxiety attacks. Do Carpathians have shrinks too?"

Mikhail "I'm not sure I like you referring to my brother as a monster."
Gregori "You should hear what I call you behind your back."

Dark Gold Quotes

Alexandra "You have heard the word compromise before, haven't you? You do comprehend it's meaning?"
Aidan "As I understand it, compromise means you do what I say as soon as I command it. Is that about right"

Alexandria "I'm not like this.I don't respond to men this way, I don't drink blood, and I am not a tease. What have you done to me? It's even worse than I thought. I’m some kind of vampire nymphomaniac."
Aidan "Be calm, cara. Breathe your way through this. There is a rational explanation."

NEW--> Alexandria "We need a plan, Stefan. A really good plan. Okay here is the plan. I'll keep telling you where the creature is, and you keep shooting while I pull Aidan into the car. Then we drive away as fast as we can and hope we leave it behind."
Aidan "That is the worst plan I have ever heard."
Stefan "That is absolutely the worst plan I've heard."
Alex "Well, I don't hear anything brilliant from either one of you, Isn't funny how men stick together even when they can't hear one another

Dark Magic Quotes

Savannah "I did hit you-twice, you scum, You didn't even notice the first time."
Gregori "I apologize, mon amour, Next time, I promise I will notice when you strike me"

Gregori "Do me a favor, cherie. Try to look plain and uninteresting."
Savannah "Get over it already."

Savannah "Gregori you have that look about you."
Gregori "What look is that?"
Savannah "Like you're really hungry and you just discovered lunch."

NEW-->Gregori "You do not need to find Savage interesting. I would never give you up, Savannah."
Savannah "Don't be an idiot, Gregori. As if I'd even want some other beast just out of the cave when I've almost got you trained."

NEW--> Gary "You saw a Rambo flick?"
Gregori "I read Gary's memories on the subject. Interesting. Silly, but interesting. This is your hero?"
Gary "Until I met you, Gregori."

Savannah "You're so sweet Gregori"
Gregori "I am not sweet"

Talking about Savannah's ex-boyfriend Dragon

Gregori "Technically, he did not lay a hand on you. He sneezed before he could get that close."
Gregori "The big bad wolf decked out in chains and spikes, afraid of a little dog."
Savannah "Little? A hundred-and-twenty-pound Rottwieler mix? Foaming at the mouth. Roaring. Chasing him!"
Gregori "He ran like a rabbit."

Dark Fire Quotes

Tempest "Does anyone else besides me ever get the urge to throw things at you?"
Darius "I don't think so. If they do, they do not have the audacity to tell me."

Tempest "I told you, I have trouble with authority figures."
Darius "Get over it."

NEW-->Tempest "Isn't there anything normal we can converse about! Say, the weather! Unusual weather we're having."
Darius "Would you like me to create a storm? We could make love in the rain."

Dark Dream Quotes

Jacques "You eluded a vampire for fifteen years?"
Sara "He isn't nearly as charming when you've been around him awhile, is he?"

Sara to Jacques "I don't know about your status as warrior without equal, but your lifemate is a miracle worker."

Dark Legend Quotes

Gabriel "You are a women much sought after by these human males and I am beginning to find it tedious."
Francesca "Tedious? Do I hear a veiled threat in there somewhere?"
Gabriel "It wasn't all that veiled."

Skyler "Just now you reminded me of..."
Gabriel "A rock star?"
Skyler "Not hardly, Gabriel. A wolf. A big bad wolf"

Francesca "You're showing your age again. You awoke in the twenty-first century. Women no longer listen and obey, worse luck for you. I have work to do, and you are in some place very musty and smelling of wet dirt. What are you doing?"
Gabriel "Performing secret masculine rituals."

Francesca "I can see how it's going to be. You two are a couple of hermits. There will be no ganging up against Francesca you two. Skyler, you like your bodyguard don't you?"
Skyler "I try never to look at him"
Francesca "Well, you should. He's quite nice-looking."
Gabriel "That will be enough of that, You do not need to find any man good-looking other than me."
Francesca "But then, I don't remember ever saying you were good looking."

Skyler "All of this cloak-and-dagger stuff is interesting, isn't it, Gabe."
Gabriel "More respect, young lady, and less of this Gabe stuff."

Francesca "Your ego is far too large. I am not about to call you the greatest lover in the world."
Gabriel "But you would if it were not for fear of my ego?"