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June Survey RESULTS!!!

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June's Survey was a big surprise for me. Why you ask well because of all of your opinions in almost every category you all had different favorites! Which proves that every fan reads Christine for very different reasons but enough of my blathering on with the results :) To take July's Survey be sure to visit the FUN section!
Which is your favorite Dark Cover?
Every cover but Dark Dream was nominated at least once but the winner by far was Dark Guardian with an impressive 60%! In second place with 20% was Dark Fire.
Winner: Dark Guardian

Who would you chose as a life mate?
Again every Carpathian was nominated even Dayon & Dimitri which really shocked me since we haven't even met Dimitri yet :) In the end though the really close race was between Lucian and Gregori With Gregori finally winning with 42% and Lucian close behind with 37% this one came down to the wire!
Winner: Gregori

Who do you think is the strongest Carpathian?

You know when I thought of this question I had the males in mind but a lot of the Carpathian women were chosen as well! Unfortunately it was not contest with 70% of the votes Lucian was voted the strongest! (even though I think it's Gregori :)
Winner: Lucian
Mermie "He "touched" the mind of one called the Son of God and knew pure goodness, and he never turned vampire."

When did you discover the dark series?

Some of you just discovered her while others have been along since the start the most popular answer however was Dark Gold a good portion of you were introduced to Christine with this book!

Which heroine irked you just a little?

Another shock to me every Carpathian woman is disliked by someone! Some of you loved them all BUT again there was no contest with the one that irked I mean you the most (lol) with 72% Alex is the life mate that bugged you!

Winner: Alexandria.
Susan Kohne "She whined so much that it is one of my least favorite books in the series."
Janice Goff "really in all honesty none of them..they were all on there own and independent and then became life mates to very strong men..even Samantha with Gregori"
Adaiah La Vonda "I can understand her wanting to make it on her own, but to be given such great gifts which would help her even more to establish herself, she complained too much. I agree what's up with her?"

What has your favorite Dark book been so far?
All the books were nominated some of you couldn't chose. This was one was very very close! The winner with 20% is Dark Fire!

Don't you think Gary is the best?
Yes he is! 95%
No, who's Gary? 4%
Who cares! He could fall down a well and I wouldn't shed a tear 1%

How many romance novels do you purchase a month?
This one was tough because everyone had a different answer some of you don't buy any. Some as many as 50! The most common however was 5-10 for those of you who said 50 you have my utmost respect!

Will you recommend this site? Tell the truth I'm watching you
98% Yes
1% Maybe
1% No
Thanks to everyone who said YES!

How did you find me?
70% link on Christine's site
18% Christine Yahoo Club
2% Christine Board
10% Other/ Friend recommendation
Have I mentioned how great Christine is! She's the reason most of you found your way here and the reason I made this site! She is the Queen!

What do you think of this site? How could I improve it?
Thank you all for your comments I took them all to heart and I will try my best to make them happen. If EVER you feel you'd like to see something e-mail me and I will let you know if it is possible or maybe already in the works!

Elizabeth Rhodes "I like the site very much! For the fun thing you could have a crossword puzzle and more quizzes. I don't know if people would do the crossword thing but I know that I would!!!!"
This is a really good idea Elizabeth! When I get done with the quizzes *sigh* that's the next thing I'll work on!

What do you think of Christine?
For this one I got sooo many great comments I think it Merits a new page! To read some your comments about the Queen of the Carpathians

I couldn't fit them all! I wish I could but these are some of the ones that caught my eye and held it there!

Thanks so much for all your comments! Be sure to take July's Survey maybe one of your comments will appear in next months results. Results were tabulated in a very scientific way! I read each response, counted them than took out my calculator :)