July 13, 2002: Well today was a very busy day for me alas I only put up three quizzes BUT more updates coming tommorrow!
FUN~Quizzes: I wrote the quizzes for Dark Challenge, Fire & Dream!
I was reading Survey Results today and Pat Gamberi's answer to one of my questions cracked me up!
I asked- Pat said "How she got pregnant, um do we need to have a
mother-daughter talk? ROFLMAO
LOL Pat I'm good but if I ever need to have a talk I will let you know! Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you tommorrow!
July 8, 2002: It's the middle of the night and I'm updating! I was just about done updating the Hall Of Fame when Jo Ann Thornton & The Goddess of Nature entered the Dark Magic Hall of Fame! *GRRR* I hadn't even put it in my updates and they took it
Life Mates: Ever wonder who your lifemate would be? Well I wrote a handy little quiz for you to find out! It's in the lifemates section and it's not bad if I do say so myself!
Fun: Quzzies ~ I wrote the Quiz for Dark Magic and I think it's a bit harder just because I ask a lot of questions about characters you might not have noticed.
Fan Fiction: On Friday I added a new story by Slavica (The Carpathian Healer) that is really great & today I added a poem by Goddess of Nature that reminded me of my love for those Carpathians! Both are worth checking out!
Quotes: Thanks to hall7882 I added more new quotes!
Hall Of Fame: The Hall of Fame is updated up to the Dark Magic Quiz! I spent about an hour adding new entries so check it out to see the cream of the crop.
Today or er yesterday was my site's one month anniversary! It's just a baby but thanks to everyone who's filled out a survey, signed my guestbook, Thanks thanks thanks! Also mega thanks to the great ladies from Christine's Yahoo List and of Course the Queen herself!
Who would you choose is down for the moment I'm counting votes I may not have the results till the end of the week. Than it's on to round two when you get to choose from three hunky guys! Anyways goodnight! (or goodmorning depending on your perspective!)
Hey I updated again :)
Fun: New Dark Gold Quiz is Up can you make the Hall of Fame a third time!
Well it is the middle of the night but I was really motivated to update today! I received another great award-The Critical Mass award! Which means I am critical ...er to the masses :) (lol). No but really I am again really honored! Anyway I finally came up with the Survey Results be sure to check them out it's to your right in the menu!
Hall of Fame : I added more of you Hall Of Famers
Fun: I finally wrote the Dark Desire Quiz! I think it's a bit harder than the Dark Prince one. This is another chance to enter the Hall Of Fame or just become a two time champ...oh and in case your wondering the password is different for the Dark Desire Quiz!
Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July and if your in another country I still hope you have a happy Fourth of July!
Love believes all things, Hopes all things, Endures all things.