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Love Poetry 1

The Winning Of Love


My thought and flesh are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of your hand;
My thought my flesh questions its lusty core,
My flesh my thought's uncompromising stand.

My flesh does claim that you love him far more,
The other says it's him you do adore;
It does seem that thought has entered your door,
Poor flesh loses out to your distant shore.

If only thought would think of brother flesh,
Put his case and relay your great desire,
Then flesh would not so mock thought's lack of dash
And failure to truly light a woman's fire.


And Then A Kiss


If you were to whisper with sweet lips pursed
Certain words to my soul then I'd respond
Wanting to please without being coersed
For love's my main spring, I love love's bond.

If you were to favour my flame with touch
I'd warm your fortunate future with fire,
Wanting to please you wanting you so much
For love's my main drive, love's my chief desire.

If you were to smile as I advanced slowly
And you stepped forward into my strong arms
A kiss could seal our love growing deeply;
A kiss with meaning all life's trouble calms.


When First We Met


Oh when I first deeply inhaled the scent of you
It made me want to climb mountains of knighthood,
To slay all dragons that might trouble you,
Build you a castle where never one has stood.

When I first touched you your smoothness moved me,
Sensations of youth and beauty seduced;
I touched and touched to truly convince me
You were really there,that I wasn't confused.

When I first saw your smile relaxed with me
I knew we'd a bond beyond poetry;
If ever there was love for the world to see
That was secure, it was in your smile for me.

I inhaled, I touched, I saw and much more,
Oh I loved with a love for evermore.

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