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Love Poems

You Are My Everything

You are my river, you are a giver;
In you I swim, dive and find food each day.
Oh you can be calm, or my exciter.
I dive in your depths, fly, follow your way.

You are my river, pretty in the sun;
Im proud to wear your droplets like pearls bright;
I shake and preen, loving pleasure we've won.
Where would I be if you flowed from my sight?

You are my river, you praise my offspring;
Help them be seen by all those who go by.
In you they swim, dive and find meaning-
Without you we couldn't feed let alone fly.

If we missed out on Love

Missing out on us is like life blinded,
Whereas to see makes a king of lame beggars;
Makes clouds form patterns, sky writing read;
Makes for meaningful smiles, blue shooting stars.

Missing out on us is like being deaf,
Whereas to hear helps a child learn to sing;
Helps the squawk of seagulls show food is left;
Helps music set mood, secrets heard whispering.

Missing out on us is just like sealed lips,
Whereas lips open help the deaf to hear
Also the blind in walking without slips;
Help singers, speakers, help children not to fear.

Missing out on us is missing love's kiss
Where love was given so all feel its bliss.

May Memories Come to Life

May memories overwhelm you for me;
Refuel them by reading my poetry
So that being with me becomes your theme
And memories turn to things felt and seen.

Let love loom so powerfully you can't stop
Not only heart thumping but toes itching
And walk and swim to me and we will shop
For a wedding dress and things, with hands holding.

Oh let not a thousand poems be fruitless;
May memories overwhelm you for me;
Walk and swim to me so love's not useless;
Turn you thoughts to things felt and seen with me.

Show the world how powerful poetry is
Never believe it's foolish and in crisis.

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