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Love poetry

I Hear The Call of Love.

The sunset and evening star call to me,
Drawing my heart back upon love's straight track;
My sandals will walk to new harmony,
Oh so much talking there will be once back.

Though the dust impedes my way heartlessly
Deserts have a soft spot it seems for me;
My birth-place and my final destiny
Push and call 'til whole heartedly I see.

The moon and Venus , even shooting stars
Ensure my welcome for nature loves to show
The time and place for love on Earth to Mars
So the darkest nights when we touch we glow.

Wanting Lasting Love

As the river flows from the hills and slows
Or the tree quickly grows in height and halts
Most love has beginning spurts as it grows
Much to fade and die from frivilous faults.

But barren lands fail their great water ways,
Soils stilt trees and may bring about their deaths
Just as some love's brittle chances dismays,
Though true lovers fare well while faith takes breaths.

Love was around before rivers and trees,
In fact it will be here for all of time;
With faith that love is good, down on our knees
We can ask for good measure, more sublime.

You Make The Difference

Apart from your apartment that's pleasant
I know of no place I would rather be
Because your presence changes each instant
I'm there into earth's Heaven magically.

Apart from your apartment's balcony
I know no place better to watch nature,
Inless you are physically there with me
For then Heaven and Earth us do favour.

Apart from your apartment's jacuzzi
There's no more delightful bathing on Earth,
Oh unless at the beach naked and free
With you as we dance wet for all our worth.

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