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Hatebreed, Converge, Sworn Enemy, Shadows Fall, Poison the Well, Barium
12/26/01, Portland Maine, Asylum

We got to Portland around 5 or so because that was when it was suppose to start, but it was the asylum so we figured that they wouldnt open till forever. Me and Clay didnt go right in cause we didnt want to want in line so we went and walked around portland for a while, and listend to music in the car. When we realized what time it was it was like 7 so we decided to go in. Barium had just finished Poison the well played and got a really good response, not as good as I thought they would. Next was Sworn Enemy, they played a really good set with alot of dancing/moshing which opend the place up. Next was Shadows Fall they didnt really sound all that tight for there first few songs, there bass was way out of tune. Not very many kids moved for them, but alot of people were singing along to it.(No pill-ups) Then Converge hit the stage, and as you can guess the place blew up, I actually danced/moshed for a few songs felling sick and all. They had a great response. Alot of pill-ups and strong dancing/moshing. We left before hatebreed cause we had to drive to Mass. that night. I heard they played an awesome set. Not as brutal as it should have been....with all the tuff-guys being there.........

