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Diecast, Unearth, Barium, Top of The Pile, Samudra
October 27, 2001

Well I got to that show around 7:00 because the show was suppose to start at 6:30 and you know how that is. Anyway, when I got there Samudra was playing and I was kinda mad cause I wanted to check them out, cause it was there first show. The crowd was into them alot, and I was getting into them. I walked through the doors, payed, saw that there was like 200 people in the size of my bathroom, then when to the dance floor. Kids were already dancing, I knew it was going to be a great night. Next up was Top of The Pile, it was there first show and they are all local guys so everyone was really stooked to see them. They fucking tore the place apart. It was an awesome set, they coverd "Set It Off" by Madball. They had a great sing-a-long at the end of there set. Then Barium, was up next at first they were ok, but then they started playing some staind shit, so I went outside. Not to many kids moving, but enough to keep the bands ego up. Next up was Unearth. Should I say anymore, they are a legend around the Bangor area, whenever there is an Unearth show, there is a full house. Unearth played a great set, they played almost all of there songs from shout outs. It was a total mad house, there was not one person NOT moving in the whole place. Everyone was into them, singing-a-long and dancing there asses off. Next up was Diecast, so as you can image there was a ton of people there. Most of the "SlipKornTones" kids from my school were there to see them. They were getting autographs and all this gay shit. I am not a really big Diecast fan, but enough to go dance for them to destroy those kids. I had to leave half way through there set. But it was a great show, if you are in the Bangor/Brewer area and you didn't go, you are a definate loser

