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My BrOtHeRs aNd SiStErs

A Sibling Bond is probably one of the strongest relationships I could ever have in my life. I'm close to every sibling I have. I couldn't ask for a better family.

You are my brothers and sisters. Through blood or not. I'm so happy that I have such a wonderful group of siblings. I couldn't imagine it, without you. All the fun and laughter, and many fights we've ever had... You've shown me so much love and support and been there when I needed you all the most.I truly Love you guys so much.

Danette,Don,Deana, and Joe


Danette and Eric (when he was born)


Don and Lindsey and the kids

Amanda and Kevin

Tim running sound at a 4Below concert. (said with a lisp) "OK GUYS I GOT THE SOUND!"

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