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<br> <bgsound src="" loop="2" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="18" ALT="Midi Playing:Angel"><br>

ether angel


what is an ether angel?
ether angels are the guardian angels of cyberspace.
some of us of a romantic literary bent refer
to cyberspace as "the ether".
like the word ethereal . . .
ether is an old metaphysical term i believe.

angels have become increasingly real to me
since i became an active cybercitizen
with the launch of my first web site
ten years ago.

Be Who You Are

Let the true spirit of who you are
Shine thru in all that you do.

Let your hopes and dreams
Always guide you in the direction
That you joyously believe in.

Let the love that is
Deep within your heart
Always be the most important
And beautiful part of your life.

Travel through time
*Not* as one alone,
But as one among
Many time travelers.

Reach out to those who need
Your gentle spirit and caring ways.

Turn your passage through time
Into an endless Love Journey.

Author Unknown
Gently Edited by Big Bear.

Ave Maria
Santa Rockettes!
Thinking Of You
ellipsis(a poem by Bear)

LOVE(a poem edited by Bear)

The Power Of Prayer

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R&C's TopSite Contest  1st Place Award February 2008 Blooming Friends
Honored Member
Big Bear R&C's TopSite 
Contest 1st Place Award November 2007

Poets Against the War

Big Bear Framed!

This is for everyone who has voted for my site!

The Fantasy Fights Gift Shop
Send a Fantasy Thank You!

Dee's Random Links

Highly Recommended!

Big Bear's Greatest Hits! ! !

Taking It To The Streets!
Big Bear Presents: Wacky Faces!
I Wish 4 U
I will . . .
Let's Be Teddy Bears
Sending Flocks of Angels
Internet Friends

Leave your worries here . . .
page created by big bear
february 09,2001.
updated december 03,2009.
Oursement Votre,the teddy bear search engine
Midi playing is "Angel" downloaded from a Japanese site:“VŽg‚Ì�Á‚¦‚½ŠX
ether angel's gifts
Beary Bipolar<br>
Tribute to Jon<br>
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Crying WTC Eagle<br>
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my WTC Memorial poem,<br>
'What is required?'.

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R&C's Topsite Contest  2nd Place Winner  December,2003
R & C's Topsite Contest Top 20 Award  November 2003 R & C's Topsite Contest Top 20 Award October 2003
R&C's Topsite Contest Top 10 Award May 2001

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