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Wool Sweater Street

<br> <bgsound src="" loop="2" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="18" ALT="Wav Playing:Golden Girls Theme" ><br>

I'm Glad I've Touched Keyboards With You

Into my life came a radiant hue,
Colors of friendship, and riches anew.
Your unselfish manner asking, "What can I do?"
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!

Your friendship I treasure--words simply can't say,
The warmth and affection your e-mails display.
Always wishing to give, and your words do ring true.
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!

We share many secrets as most Loved Ones do.
We've suffered, survived; and, yes, made it thru.
Those difficult times, when most had no clue.
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!

As the breeze gently blows thru fresh morning air,
I see you not, yet I know you are there.
*Smiles* that glisten as fresh morning dew,
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you.

You've painted my world, and Oh what a 'View.'
Sweet pale pinks, fresh greens, and gentle blue.
When my day is finished, and I bid adieu,
I thank God I've touched keyboards with you.

by: Copyright © Samantha
Dec.9, 1999

Gently Edited By Bear With Permission From Samantha.

If you wish to use this poem,

and She will be delighted to give you permission.
Please Do Not Use Without Permission.
Blessings Always,

Samantha's World Of Life And Times

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Page Created by Bear
(Big Bear, Beary Bipolar)
January 05,2004.
Updated December 03,2009.

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