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Wool Sweater Street

Angel  Wally Vignette


mental misfires
looking for ways
to connect the dots

my mind wants to make sense
out of this mad roller-coaster
we call:
Death and
The Other Side

once a loved one
has "shuffled off the mortal coil"
they are even less confined
by time and space . . .

they can be
everywhere and anywhere
in the present,past, and future

witch is "more than a floor wax" . . .

"wax and wane
go insane
but always come back
and see me again"

our dear wally
is one with the angels . . .

and i'm looking for ways
to connect the dots . . .

Bear aka
Big Bear aka
Beary Bipolar aka
HealingBigBear aka
Rev. Richard K. Stimson

August 26,2004

copyright 2004

to hear "Dance With My Father" go to:
Luther Vandross.
you'll need to be on a computer--
the site comes up blank on web tv . . .

wally and i often danced together . . .

with wally purring on my shoulder . . .

Wally Angel Vignette created by my wife,Karen.

See it on her personal and graphics site:
Wool Sweater Street.

You can see a large close-up of Wally on:
this page.

Here's Karen's Memorial Site for Wally:
Angel Wally, a Loving Tribute to my First Cat

my poetry is scattered over cyberspace . . .

maybe some day i'll make an index page . . .

R&C's TopSite Contest  2nd Place Award February 2008  R & C's Topsite Contest 1st Place Award, May 2007

Please Sign one of my three Guestbooks HERE.

Click here to send this 
site to a friend!

awesome site award from donna   click on the graphic to read her 
beautiful poetry

Big Bear's Greatest Hits! ! !

Please Visit My Other Pages!

Seven Wonders
Thinking Of You

Other Favorites:
Ave Maria
Batty Icons By Bear
Global Vigil
I'm Alright
I'm Glad I've Touched Keyboards With You
Santa Rockettes!
Stairway To Heaven
The Power Of Prayer>
The Power Of Prayer

Page Created by Bear
(Big Bear, Beary Bipolar)
August 26,2004.
Updated December 03,2009.

The Ellipsis
HTML: MiniChapter 12: Tables