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Joe Navarro

What's up every1? Im Joe and im drummer for AmpliFied, we mostly play punk and cover songs by Blink, B.C.R ., the Hives, Sublime, the Peppers, Greenday and all that other good stuff. I guess its sorta weird how i started playing drums. I just got a set for my birthday, and started from there. We are really just a garage band from Shittier-i mean Whittier Cali. We don't do this for any reason except for fun. My buddies Chris and steve are just like me i guess, we just play cuz its sounds good, well i guess i really can't say much else except to keep a lookout on AmpliFied's website so u can all see whats going on. So i guess L8er dudes, im gonna jet cuz i really don't feel like writing any more. So just like Save Ferris sed "S.Y.L.P.B." And remember, Rehab is for Quitters.