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Decide on the correct answer.

 1. Trevor ............... from England.
A. was
B. be
C. is
D. are

 2. My sister ........... 21 today.
A. has
B. is
C. the
D. on

 3. He works ............night and sleeps during the day.
A. in
B. on
C. the
D. at

 4. .................a bank near this school?
A. There´ll be
B. Are there
C. Is there

 5. I can’t play tennis, .............I can play basketball.
A. if
B. but
C. when
D. and

 6. It’s ....... cold to go swimming.
A. the
B. feel
C. too
D. enough

 7. How ............ money have you got?
A. many
B. is
C. far
D. much

 8. Are you going to the party? Yes, .............
A. I going
B. I´m go
C. I are
D. I am

 9. ............. are you doing tonight?
A. What
B. When
C. Where
D. Who

 10. Andy is on the phone. He the accounts department.
A. is talking
B. talked
C. talking
D. talks

 11. I dinner last night when the phone rang.
A. was eating
B. ate
C. was ateing
D. eat

 12. ............tall is he, he must be at least 2 metres.
A. What
B. Which
C. How
D. The

 13. I think this hotel is as nice .......... the last one.
A. than
B. in
C. even
D. as

 14. Do you really think this dress .............. than that one?
A. prettier
B. is pretty
C. is as pretty
D. is prettier

 15. If black is the opposite of white, then the opposite of strong is.........
A. lite
B. week
C. light
D. weak

 16. Where’s Jane? That’s her there .............?
A. isn´t she
B. no
C. is it
D. isn´t it

 17. I can’t believe he said that, ..........?
A. can´t I
B. can you
C. you can
D. can he

 18. I love this chair , it’s the apartment.
A. comfort
B. comfortablest
C. the most comfortable
D. the most comfort

 19. Steve, have we ..............rice?
A. much
B. many
C. a
D. a few

 20. You don’t want milk in your tea, do you? We only have .........
A. some
B. a little
C. any
D. little

 21. How long .........Neil.............his present job?
A. has-have
B. had-had
C. has-had
D. have-has

 22. The company employed........staff, that´s why they lost money.
A. a few
B. too much
C. a little
D. too many

 23. Colin is thinking .........................smoking, but I don’t think he will.
A. on stopping
B. to stop
C. of stop
D. about stopping

 24.   ...................... I arrive I’ll phone you, don’t worry.
A. As
B. If
C. As soon as
D. Even though

 25. If you .................... more, you ................. better.
A. had exercised/will feel
B. exercised/would feel
C. exercise/would feel
D. had exercised/would felt

 26. You finished with him a year ago, you really should have ............him!
A. thrown away
B. got over
C. got after
D. been after

 27. I didn´t get the job......I had all the necessary qualifications.
A. in spite of
B. even although
C. although
D. whereas

