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What are Big Buddies/Little Buddies?
The Big Buddy/Little Buddy program is set up at the beginning of each school year. Each freshman and new band member is paired up with a band member who's been there before. The new Bando is the "Little Buddy", the returning Bando is the "Big Buddy".
The Big Buddy helps the Little Buddy through the process of band -- mainly it's a way for new Bandos to meet people and have fun. The Freshman Picnic is the first major social event of the school year, and there is always at least one event for the Buddies to work together to win.
Having a Big/Little Buddy is fun. And then when Little Buddies become Big Buddies, they can help new Little Buddies along.
(And as the years go on, some Big Buddies like to have Grand Buddies, Great-Grand Buddies, Great-Great-Grand Buddies....)
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