face the f.a.c.ts
hahaha... ya this is about the FACT conference at u of i. i really had
fun this year! we actually went to workshops -- and the most fun one was the one on spoken
and ya, no way was fact like yfc conference. for one, there's hecka less
people and for two, stress on the Lord ain't to be found in there anywho (say what now???
but it was hecka encouraging to see NEW YFC dance NOW AND FOREVER and to
totally see how DIFFERENT we are from the lot!!! -- no bootay clothes and glitter makeup
and whatnot for both our yfc dancers and spectators hahaha. ...
and it was hecka encouraging to see how some of us ask "why"
should we copy the lot when it comes to thoughts, opinions, hecka clothes, makeup, dance
moves, and all that. there's NOTHING wrong with lookin good but when it comes to ignoring
the nagging thoughts in our heads and hearts that ask WHY, then WELL!!! hahaha... there's
the interesting point. ...
we have got a long way to go in terms of evangelization and our own
spiritual walks. if u go to some of the workshops, you'll see that the same spirit that
the organizers and speakers of this conference have is the same spirit that we have to
hold camps, meetings, fellowships, conferences, dances and other yfc activities. it's
almost as if the same spirit, passion and whatever else that is inside each of us that
drives us to pray, sing, laugh and love the Lord is also in each of those who went to the
variety show, those who gave workshops and those who organized the conference.
it's almost as if our human passions are raw material meant to follow or
adhere to ideologies -- be it religious or secular.