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UNIT 3: Programming Intermediate

Getting Started with JavaScript

JavaScript is a lanaguage developed by Netscape based on the Java programming langauge developed by Sun Microsystems.
JavaScript is used to create small scripts (programs) that are par of a web page source code. They are used to add interactivity to the page.

Here's an example of an JavaScript:

Variables A variable is used to "represent" a piece of data (information)- example the name of the person using yuor web page.
Information can be numeric (i.e. you can do math operations, add, subtract, etc.) or non-numeric (also called string) (i.e. no math, things like names, phone numbers, etc.)

When using JavaScript, a good style is to declare all the variables at the beginning of the JavaScript.
The JavaScript instruction var is used to inform JavaScript of a variable, and if desired, assign some intial information to the variable.

The phone number example above is an illstration of a constant.

When deciding on variable name:

-no spaces
-case sensitive (i.e. Name and name are two different variables)
-use descriptive (meaningful) variable names
-do not use JavaScript words!

Arithemetic Operators:

+ add
- subtract
/ divide
++ increase by one
-- decrease by one

Click here to see an examples of JavaScript in action:

Coure Average

Jeevsİ Production 2002