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well basically this FYI place is to inform you our fellow apple fans that poison oak is very serious stuff. it is real and itis out there. DO NOT BE FOOLED!! this stuff is no joke, no joke at all
as many people think " ill never get it!"
doug and i (andy) thought the same we didnt even think twice before walking in the poison oak infested bush and now wea re both bed striken all itchy and all calamined up. so basically i am just warning you and trying to get the word out that this poison oak stuff is VERY REAL and it wants only one thing your {{{SoUl}}} and it will not rest until it does. so next time someone tells you watch out there could be poison oak down that path dont just let it go by and keep on walking.. No fact dont even walk down that path its not worth it at all that percentage that you might get it?!? its not worTH IT .i cant stress it enough , so there its finished and now you are informed but it will all be for nothing if you do not spread the word this POISON OAK STUFF IS REAL.. ONE DAY I VOW TO KILL IT AND ALL OF ITS EVIL HELPERS !! this i pROMISE YoU!!!!
............andy .....................
{{{{BOULDER DAY!!!}} -dates- september 15, 2001 grain of sand day october 15, 2001 grain of sand day November 15, 2001 pebble day December 15, 2001 pebble day! january 15, 2002 rock day february 15, 2002 Rock day MarCh 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!}}} ApRiL 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} may 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} june 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} july 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} august 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} sept. 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}} oct. 15, 2002 {{BOULDER DAY!!!!}}