The History of Camp TransBack in 1991, Nancy Jean Burkholder was removed from MWMF; Nancy ID’d as a trans woman. The first actions, the actions that would become Camp Trans, were held inside the gates of MWMF in 1992 complete with an information table, buttons, leaflets and a survey. In 1993 Nancy and other activists were removed from the land and moved across the street, hence the first Camp Trans. In 1994 Camp Trans had over 25 workshops and events, bands, and keynote speakers which included Les Feinberg, James Green, Minnie Bruce Pratt and others. Over 150 people showed up for the camp that year. Camp Trans split up in 1995 with the emerging inner debate as to who should be allowed on the land. The original activists only wanted to fight for post-op inclusion, this being MTF’s; there really wasn’t much in terms of FTM stuff with CT then. Riki Wilchins wanted to do CT where pre-ops would also be included, and without the support of the original group, CT 1995 fell apart and was cancelled. In the late 90’s, Camp Trans politics have become more broadened. CT 2000 saw 8 activists removed from the land after IDing as trannyboys, boys, MTF, and a bunch of other genders. This action was done for numerous reasons. The main being to say that if a woman can become a man to the point that they are no longer allowed on the land, then, in turn, couldn’t a man become a woman to the point where they are allowed on the land. And to use those terms as the gender be all’s is fucked up, but sometimes logic is fucked when you don’t have words to use. 2001 had a trans vigil that was led off the land with enormous support from MWMF participants.
thanks to anne tagonist and simon for that info. text taken from camp trans zine intro, 2002.