All pictures came from the Camp Trans site. The logo at the top and all text is property of Camp Trans Chicago, please ask before copying. This info is for all the copyright freaks.
The history behind Camp Trans is back up. Thanks to Simon and Anne T. for their help on this. Please go read that before proceeding with the page.
Simply put, Camp Trans is trying to change the festival, not shut it down. We respect the need for womyn-only space, we only ask that we question who has the authority to define what a womyn is, or what experiences make a womyn a womyn. Camp Trans understands the past of MWMF, we simply see that there is room for change through discussion and education.
Camp Trans in recent years has published a zine, made t-shirts, put on shows, led actions on the land(see pics below), and even provided free meals and stuff. All of this is done by some dedicated kids and through local fundraising in Chicago, Boston, St Louis and tons of other places around the country.
It is a point of ours to show both sides of this debate. So, in an effort to do this, this site provides direct links to the MWMF main page, along with anything that the webmaster comes across. If you know of, or maintain a site that you think could be beneficial to Camp Trans, e-mail that webmaster and let him take a look at it.
[] [MWMF Main]
[Camp Trans via GenderPac]
[ButchDykeBoy Productions] [Camp Trans mailing list] [Performer's petition] [Transfeminism stance]
If you would like to make a donation towards the amount or towards the supplies it takes to put on this event, we'd greatly appreciate it. Throw a party, put on a show, anything you want. Contributing to a worthy cause is a great way to show support when you can't make it to the event yourself, you know? Camp Trans survives on fundraising and donations. E-mail here if you would be interested in purchasing any Camp Trans merchandise or want to talk fundraising. We also have a formal letter for donations if you want to have it sent to you, just let us know.
E-mail us for more information.
Please leave us a note on the message board, or start a new topic. Keep in touch with other Camp Trans kids. We're also using the message board to allow people to volunteer rides to others across the country. If you can offer a ride to someone, please leave a post there.
Hit this page!
**This page is upkept by Josh, the boy, the legend, read his saga here. All words on this page are property of the webmaster, please ask for permission before using them.**
This page is always under construction, check back for more stuff later. Last Updated on 7/18/02