1. Name: Joshua Morgan
2.Where were you born?: Springfield, IL
3. And when was this?: 9/2/78
4. What are you parents names?: Robert and Carolyn
5. What is your favorite sexual position?: bottom boy, need I say more?
1. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, no milk please
2. What's the first thing you do upon awaking?: look at my watch
3. Coffee or Orange Juice?: OJ
4. Stop to smell the roses or rush to work/school?: rush
5. What is your morning bathroom routine?: Shower, get dressed, do my hair, brush my teeth, find bus fare
6. Morning breath?: I am human, aren't I
7. Toast or pop tart?: neither, i eat at work
8. Sex in the morning or at night?: Well, I'm not a morning person but I can make exceptions
9. Do you have normal sleeping habits?: sometimes
10. How many hours of sleep you average?: 5-7 sometimes
11. Get on the Internet before work/school?: Yep, then again when I get home
12. Change your underwear regularly?: Yep, the other clothes don't change often
13. Sing in the shower?: sometimes, am I awake yet
14. Flex in the mirror?: I impress myself
15. Butter or Margarine?: butter
1. What your favorite fast food place?: I work for McDonalds, I favor Subway
2. Take out, drive thru, or eat in?: take out
3. Bring your lunch or eat from a vending machine?: I'm surrounded by food, I just grab and go
4. Eat in a group or alone?: alone, my few minutes of the day to myself
5. Would you like fries with that?: this question infuriates me
6. Gossip?: I try to keep up with the gossips
7. Do you brush your teeth after every meal?: I chew gum
8. Chew Trident?: nope
9. Are you eating anything right now?: Subway sandwich
10. Ever had a nooner?: yes, yes i have
11. Favorite TV Dinner: i don't like TV dinners
12. Favorite Candy Bar: dove in the blue wrapper, symphany in the red wrapper
13. Favorite chewing gum: Cinnaburst
14. Does loud chewing bother you?: sometimes
15. Do you talk with your mouth full?: I try not to
And Night...
1. What is your favorite sleeping position?: Curled up in a ball on top of my stuffed animal
2. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color
3. Do you sleep alone?: yes, at this time
4. Have you ever been in a bar?: yeah
5. How about a gay bar?: prefer them to straight bars
6. Do you drink?: When the mood strikes me
7. Do you drink and drive?: never
8. How about drugs, do you do those?: not so much
9. Do you carry condoms?: why tease myself?
10. Name something stupid you've done while drunk: my 23rd birthday, nuf said
11. Tell me a recent dream: I was in chicago somehow, it was odd
12. What are you doing next Saturday night?: working, woohoo!
14. What do you sleep in?: depends on the temperature and who I'm sleeping with
15. Kiss and tell?: depends on if they make me happy.