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Flats, Jello... anyone?!

Study?!? No... we go out! Here are some pictures!

Concerts and Flats

The first one is Margaret, Maggie, Beth, and I at the RWB 12-15-01 Peabody's show... the next is before we went to the flats one night TOP (r-l): Katie, Caitlin, Sarah BOTTON (r-l): Margaret, Maggie, Robyn, Me... Last is us before the flats again... same people, you figure it out!

More Flats... and Jello!

Top picture is us going to the flats again... this is the trip that caused me to flunk a Spanish test, but heck it was worth it... Maggie, Carlene, Me, Katie, Beth, and Margaret... The bottom picture is us making our ever famous Jello-shots for our flavor of the month parties.. Maggie, me, Beth, and Margaret... here we just made 81... but we are now pros and last time did over 160!!

What were we thinking?

Beth, Me, and Maggie showing off our love of Jello in Wal-mart at 3am after the RWB show... the bottom one is Caitlin, Robyn, Margaret, and I hurdeling trash cans... it was a week night during the first week or so of school and we wanted excercise! Yeah... I don't know what we were thinking!