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More JCU pictures

Just more photos of my friends and I at school....

Carroll Fest

We got together a Dolan Basement and 3rd floor Murphy team to take part in Carroll Fest... we swear we got cheated out of points though... the top picture is Robyn, Maggie and Caitlin watching 3 on 3 basketball...the bottom picture isn't clear but it is Caitlin falling after dizzy bat... too funny to pass up!

Fun during the day downtown...

Shopping at Tower City is always fun... but Charlotte Russe ends up with all our money... We also went to see the Indians take on the White Sox... my roomate is from Chicago so she was happy to see them beat us 7-1... but who made it to the playoffs? THATS RIGHT... go tribe!

more pictures....

This is my roomate Margaret and I... and then this some of us girls at my hometown's football game!