Duo~::shouting loudly and running madly around the bathroom:: AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Heero~::grumbles as he gets out of bed to see what’s going on:: What Duo?
Duo~::points to his braid:: LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!
Heero~ What? I can’t see anything.
Duo~ It’s a…a…a gray hair!!!!! ::gasps::
Trowa~::knocks on bedroom door:: What’s going on in there? It’s 6:32 in the morning!
Heero~::opens the door to find Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre staring at him evily:: Sorry, come on in. Duo’s having a “hair problem”
Duo~::bursts out of the bathroom holding his braid and sobbing:: WAAAAAAAH!!!!
Quatre~What’s wrong with him?
Heero~ He thinks he has a gray hair.
Duo~ But I dooooo!!!! Look at this!!!!
Heero~::Rolls eyes::
Wufei~Let me see. ::grabs the braid and drags it over to a light, with Duo Attached::
Duo~Owie! Be careful! My head is on the other end of that!
Wufei~::inspects the braid thoroughly::
Trowa~What do you see?
Wufei~::whips out his sword and slices at Duo’s hair::
Duo~What did you do?!?!?!
Wufei~::holds up gray hair:: I cut it out, happy?
Duo~::puts braid back behind his back and takes the hair:: Well, you could have used scissors like a normal person! Man! I’m getting gray hairs!
Wufei~::under his breath:: Weakling..
Duo~What did you say?
Wufei~Shoe string. My shoes are untied.
Duo~::looking confused:: Ok…..anyway, back to my hair.
Quatre, Wufei, Heero, Trowa~::sweatdrop and roll eyes::
Duo~::oblivious:: What am I going to do?!?
Quatre~You could always not care about it.
Trowa~Or you could go buy some hair dye.
Duo~Hey, that sounds like a good idea.
Heero~Who would of thought? Shinigami uses hair dye?
Quatre~::clinging to Trowa:: Slow down Heero!! This isn’t Wing Zero!
Duo~::sticks hand out the window:: Hey guys look! My hand is flying! OW! Bug! Heero, would you mind slowing down a bit?
Wufei~::under his breath:: Weaklings
Quatre~What did you say?
Wufei~Chicken wings! There’s tons of them on the floor! Heero, when was the last time you cleaned your car?
Heero~We’re here.
Duo~Do you think they’ll be nice?
Heero~I’m sure they will be. ::gives Duo a comforting squeeze on the shoulder::
Duo~Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m only 15 though.
Heero~::opening door:: I don’t think it will matter how old you are.
Trowa~::looking around:: Why are there only old people in here?
Quatre~::pointing to a sign above the register:: How come the sign says “Seniors Only”?
Duo~::gasps:: Oh my god! Heero, you drove us to a senior hair parlor!
Old lady~::grabs Wufei’s ponytail:: Hello little boy! We could cut this ugly thing off for you for free if you’d like!
Wufei~::whips around and grabs the Old Lady’s hand:: DON’T touch my hair, got it?
Quatre~::backing out the door:: Can we go now? It smells like old people in here.
Duo~::following Quatre:: Yeah, these people are kinda weird.
Heero~Ok, we’ll go.
Wufei~This time I’M driving.
Quatre~::leaning peacefully against Trowa:: Ahhh. Much better. Um, no offense Heero, it’s just that you’re better with Zero than with cars.
Heero~::That’s ok.
Duo~::looking around:: Is this the right one?
Wufei~It had better be.
Quatre~::opening doors:: It looks ok to me.
Duo~::walks up to register and says in his best cheerful voice:: Hello. This is my first time in a hair salon and I would like to purchase some of your finest hair dye!
Register Lady~::not looking at all impressed points to the wall of colored boxes:: Pick your color.
Duo~::giddily rushes to the wall:: Heero! Help me pick which color!
Heero~Pick the color that looks most like your hair.
Trowa~::picking up a box with a lady with red hair on it:: Hmm, do you think red would look good on me, Quatre?
Quatre~No, I love your hair just the way it is, Trowa. ::picking up a box with a picture of a lady with silver hair:: Hey, Wufei, how do you think you’d look with silver hair? *snicker*
Wufei~::rolling eyes:: Duo, have you picked out a color yet?
Duo~::browsing:: Almost……got it!
Wufei~Great, now go pay the nice lady.
Duo~::walks over to the Register Lady:: I would like to purchase this box of hair color, please.
Register Lady~$15.99.
Duo~ Here you go, and I thank you for your service and making my visit a pleasant one.
Wufei~::pushes the smiling and waving Duo towards the door:: He’s from out of town.
Duo~::staring gleefully at the box of hair color:: I can’t wait to use this! I wonder if I can use it now?
Wufei~::drives a little faster::
Quatre~Ah. We’re finally home.
Wufei~::kisses the floor::
Duo~::runs into the bathroom:: Oh boy, oh boy! ::takes gray hair out of his pocket:: Hah! I win! No more of you arou……wait a minute. Whoops!
Quatre~What is it?
Duo~This isn’t a gray hair, it’s just a piece of thread from my white shirt! Silly me!
Wufei~::whips out sword and charges at Duo::