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January 14, 02 Hallo, and welcome to another week. Ahh, yes, 'tis Monday, just another manic monday. But it's almost over! hehe, oh geez I need to check my ebay things...cough nerdness. Anyways...yeah school sucks. I dont hate my classes, they arent the devil or anything. I dont have anything wrong with them, but I only have one friend in biology, and no one talks. Now I dont know, Im not a big talker, but the whole quietness in the classroom kind of weirds me out. Like, there is no class clown or anything. Just a bunch of immature guys who all laugh when one does something stupid...ha. Almost. Anyways, it looks like Im going to be hosted by Laura at WHAT FUN! Yeah, Im going to try out the hosted life, because even though I use popupstopper (, I know that the ads must be annoying you guys enough by now. I love angelfire I guess, I mean there is nothing wrong with it really, I liked oldskool Chickpages better though.
  Im in a weird mood right now, can you tell? I went to Thriftworld with Lydia on Saturday. Boy was that an adventure. It was lots of fun, and we both bought some cool stuff...but I did kind of feel bad knowing that someone somewhere out there could have really used the 99 cent nike shirt I bought. Well thats why I went back to ebay. lol. yepppp...anyways. Im still loving Saves the Day, and Keith has introduced me to a bunch of other good songs and bands. Im loving this whole emo thing, but it does make you all sappy and depressed. Dude, we had to present our 'personality posters' today in health. ahh, shyness. And I quote "I do not want the entire class to know my personality" Thank you Angel, I couldn't have said it better myself. I just dont want complete strangers to judge me by things that I say when they really dont know anything about me, so why not just never talk? lol, I have really gotten shy lately, but I dont like it when people make assumptions over one statement. Yeah, I do that all the time, Im not saying I dont, and Im trying harder and harder to stop it. Its just one of those things I guess. Ahh man my blog is kind of getting deep today. Im usually all peppy and ditzy.
  Anyways, what all is up with everyone? I wish you would just leave me a quick gbook signing, just to let me know that people actually visit my site. It is not exactly 'up there' with traffic and stuff. Im not in many cliques either cuz I cant find a happy medium between "we love you britney" and "ho ho ho" you know what I mean? I like to be clean, but I will be honest, Im trying to filter all of that teenybopperness out of my system...yeah I think Im almost done, but I cant help it if I think Paul Walker is hot. Ugh you know what really makes me mad? Ok, I am not the only one that thinks this, I am speaking for a shy minority here, but it really really annoys 'us' [I don't know what I would be classified as, but oh well] when teenyboppers are all like 'oh yeah, I love Linkin Park' and singing along and stuff like that. It really makes me mad whenever one of our area's million pop stations plays LP. I mean HELLO...last time I checked Chester wasnt clubhoppin with Lance or Joey now was he. Im sorry, but man you have enough of your own groups, so stop taking mine! And now just ignore all of that because I have to calm down and tell myself that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, likes, and dislikes, so as long as you dont force your music upon me, I could really care less.

sunshyne jazz:
how was....... dinner
Lys918: ...
Lys918: fine
Lys918: how was...
Lys918: ...voice
Lys918: 8-)
sunshyne jazz: ....
sunshyne jazz: good..
Lys918: ...
sunshyne jazz: ....
Lys918: lmao
sunshyne jazz: .. rofl...
sunshyne jazz: whats..... funny
sunshyne jazz: dude.. wheres my profile
Lys918: dude
Lys918: what's mine say?
sunshyne jazz: sweet
sunshyne jazz: whats mine say?
sunshyne jazz: SWEEEEEET!
Lys918: lol

  This is looking to be my longest blog ever I think. Wow. Hmm, we did weights today in offseason. woo woo. Biology was okay, I got a 100 on my vocabulary quiz. Leap sucked, AS USUAL grr, and health..well, I talked about the whole presentation thing up there. You could really tell that a lot of people had a lot of bottled up emotion that they needed to tell someone about. It was interesting how everyone described themselves, and used metaphors and such to link to their ways. It also made me think how weird everyone in my class was..but it's not like I asked for anything plain. Yeah our class is anything from vanilla. It is cool because there is a guy from South Africa, another guy from somewhere weird, and a girl from Bulgaria. Heh, Mississippi isnt looking so interesting anymore now is it? Well, we had a discussion about the Confederate flag. Oh boy did that one strike some wrong keys. Whoo doggies. Yeah Im not ashamed of my Mississippi background, and I really see no problem with the Confederate flag being on the MS one, I mean, it's history and it's strong heritage, and why should you just forget that? And yeah, Im white, but Im not racist, I will tell you that. I dont really know what happened to who or who did what with all that mess, and really no one should be penalized for that in today's times anyways. It was so incredibly different back then that I nor you can even fathom what it was to live.
  Getting away from more deepness, I highly highly reccommend the song "Who Sucked out the Feeling" by the Superdrags. Is this a remake folks? If you know please sign or email or something...I know I have heard it somewhere before, but I dont know if Im trippin or what. Wow, I just checked and Im pushing 1000 words on this blog. Oh, hehe, here is a quote found by Lydia..."Real friends stab you in the front" HAH I thought that was nifty! hehe, anyways...I guess Im gonna jet, I've left my footprint in the sand for today. Peace and optimism. Peace and optimism.

January 12, 02 Hey, sorry it has been so long since I have updated! Wow I just realized I havent updated since school started. There is nothing special with my classes, they are all really BLAH! I have a friend in each class, and I knew all of the teachers beforehand. I have my vball coach for biology and then my 7th grade basketball/hurdles coach teaches my health. And then LEAP stayed the same, with Ms Hood and Ms Pearson. ugh. Homework is not cool! I wanted to put up a new layout this weekend, but I have more homework than expected. I guess I will just try to design/work on it all week...grrr. Oh yeah, I am [still] trying to get hosted, I can never find a cool domain that is hosting. Oh well, what can you do? Well, Im supposed to go to Thriftworld today with Lydia. Neither of us have ever gone before, lol, but we want to go for the fun of it. haha. Woo! Im officially obsessed with Saves The Day an emo/punk band from big NJ! And now Im all confused cuz their drummer quit the band or something. If anyone actually reads my blog and knows what Im talking about here, please let me know! Who is the guitarist with the long black hair??? What is his name? I thought it was Bryan but I think Bryan was the drummer that left the band! Now Im all confused! Ooh, isnt it girl scout cookies time??? MMM I cant wait!! Well Im gonna go!

January 7, 02 Well, after long hours of work too darn early in the morning, I have finished messing with this stupid layout for awhile. UGH, volleyball was fun yesterday, but I guess Im suffering the conseqences today...half way thru practice yesterday my hip starting hurting really bad. And it has hurt ever since. It feels like a tendon or a nerve is rubbing over a bone wrong or something. Maybe it popped out of socket or something. lol. ugh it sucks tho. yeah and just for good measure let me throw this one butt hurts too. grr. oh well. School starts tomorrow, and I need to go organize all of my stuff, and get my things together. Im so not looking forward to the school part of school. I have health with Coach Cross. She taught me how to hurdle in 7th grade, and was my coach for that. And then she moved to HS and now so did I! hehe. Everyone says her class is fun, so that is cool! Well I am out of stuff...

January 6, 2002 Ugh, it is 11:45 and way too early for me to be up. Grrr I could have slept all day and I didnt even go to bed that late last night. I have volleyball 2-4 today. I miss it so that is good, but I never seem to have the 'get up and go' that makes me want to get there. Lalala. School starts day after tomorrow. I'm glad I dont have to say tomorrow, its a teacher work day. *yay!* I cant think of anything interesting to blog about. Nothing fascinating has occured in my life since...two days ago. Hmmm...what to have for breakfast...I think I'm too lazy to fix sum Eggo waffles, so I guess it's gonna be cereal again. Grrr. I joined two new cliques last night, Emocore and Exit, so I hope they accept my sorry tush! Hey wow, would ya look at that, I'm at 1,111 hits right now. Thats pretty cool, pretty cool! Well I'm gonna go work on this thing I like to call my website...

January 4, 2002 Hey folks! Not much new here, I added some webcam pics..hehe. The two things in life Alyssa just can't live without. Dasani and Polar Ice. Yup Yup. I went out to the movies tonight, we saw 'Behind Enemy Lines'. Yeah I didnt like it that much, but I really dont like hardly any movies anyways. It was really creepy and kind of fake at parts. Jimmy is like...There was like, this huge lineup of dudes shooting at him, while he is running away from them on foot in a forest, and all of their shots seemingly miss him. Yeah you explain that one. Oh well. We go back to school on tuesday, all of my Goula friends are already back. Sucks. I am excited about new classes and all that whooplah, but geez, must we go back so soon??? Oh well they get Mardi Gras off in Goula, and well, quite frankly you say Mardi Gras here, and everyone around you is like...HUH? Oh yeah that funky New Orleans thing, I know what you are talking about...riiiiiiight...ugh now I have myself wanting a moon pie hehe. mmm themthings are good when you are in the right mood. I have been a music downloading maniac the past two days. Yesterday was punk/emo day and tonight is metal/industrial. hehe. What can I say? I live in the music. I love everything from Dashboard Confessional all the way to Drowning Pool. Is that not right? Is that the sign of a totally bogus metalhead? No, I just choose to envelope myself in the different branches of rock, hoping to find one that I especially enjoy. Right now at this point in time, it happens to be a little bit of everything. I do kind of feel like I am cheating my industrialness by putting Saves the Day and Marilyn Manson in my Musicmatch Jukebox at the same time, but it's what I want to listen to, and Im not forcing anyone else to listen to it anyways. Here is something that I have learned recently, that one should always keep in mind: dont judge any band or song by what others think, beleive, or by assumptions made on your own. Listen to a song more than once, it will grow on you, slowly but surely. For every song you download that you know you already like, pick another song that you arent too familiar with and get it too. Dont be afraid to try songs that others suggest; the worst that can happen is that you wont like it and a whopping 3 meg of your comp will be taken up until you recycle it. And lastly, please please please dont listen to country.
Recommended downloads:
For emo/punk people:

Alkaline Trio - "Clavicle"
Saves the Day - "Jukebox Breakdown"
And for you hardcore metalheads:
Staind - "For You"
Adema - "The Way You Like It" -->alyssa

January 3, 2002 Hello, new layout yes, kind of different. I dont like it too much but it works. I dont have much to say right now, Im not feeling quite up to my normal level of peachiness. Peace out

January 1, 2002 Happy New Year everyone, I hope yours was safe and fun! 2001 was a good year to me, I know that. Not much new happening with Creation right now, Im having 'new layout creaters block' or something because I have made like 5 and I cant seem to stick with one that I especially like. I have added A TON of new graphics to my graphics site, the link is to the right>>>
well, here is what I did on New Year's My plans got cancelled at the last minute, so I spent a peaceful evening in front of my...yep you guessed it, my PC. ow owww. It was fun though, and believe it or not I wasnt the only one online! hehe ;-)

oh yeah, Im really sorry if this layout looks like poo on your screen and everything looks like it is spaced out wrong, I told you this was going to be a temp. layout. working on it im working on it!

eck, I tried this new lotion I got for Christmas on my hands, and it smells really really nasty...yuck! Oh well! I found this nifty quote...hehe, it's in my aim profile right might have heard it once before..
I am Sam
I am Sam
Sam I am
That Sam-I-am
That Sam-I-am!
I do not like that Sam-I-am.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them,
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Would you like them
Here or there?
I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them,


Dec 30, 2001 Whats up peeps, im home now, and now lydia is going to say hi...hello. all I have to say is YEAAAAA YOU PUSH IT!!!!!! or you itch it, whichever floats ur boat. hehhe MOSH POT!!! anywhos if I may give one word of advice BUY BLUE KOOLAIDE!!!! hehehe and eat peaches if you're feeling down. Seriously, it helps. anywhos rock on!

Dec 27, 2001 HEY! I'm in Mississippi! merry christmas all! nothing new, i was just dropping in to say hi to everyone and let you guys know that i miss you tonz! oh and KT says hi too! got an mp3 player for xmas! sweeeeet! cant wait until i get back!
Dec 21, 2001 finally free! hey look i made some new linkage buttonos! catch u later!


Dec 20, 2001 Hey peeps! Whats new? Nothing here, still wanting to get hosted, and I had three tough exams today...I think I did allright though. TWO HOURS OF SCHOOL left for meeeee! yee haw! Yes, new layout, it is simple and quick...i guess im just not going to get into the christmas spirit this year! dont have time! wish i did! dont forget to check out graphicus! keep the peace,

Dec 18, 2001 haaaay! what is up folks? not much here, only 2.5 days left of school! but anyways, moving on with the site business...i wish i had what it takes to get hosted gashdernt! if you know of anyone that would host me, that would totally rock! i dont really know a whole lot about hosting and all that, but it seems really cool and nifty! man im sorry guys...i have had this layout up since...the end of october! ahh! the fruits should be rotting by now but they arent....i have a new graphic that im thinking about using but its not cutesy or special like this layout is! but if it is not up within the next few days, then it wont be up until sometime after xmas im guessing, cuz im going to mississippi for a few days! im so excited! ooh! xmas is a week from today! how fun! volleyball tourney sat. and sun...ughhhh....nutts!!! catch u later!

Dec 13, 2001 Hey everybody! Just want to welcome you if you are a newbie, and feel free to look around and sign my book! I have tonz of original and artistic graphics at my graphics site, Graphicus I am really getting tired of this layout, but I currently have no plans for any new ones! :( Im glad the week is almost over! Goin bowling on friday ow oww! ttyl!

Dec 11, 2001hello hello, what is up? just wanted to say real quick that i organized all of the new graphics and fixed all of my links! ahh i cant beleive i havent come up with a new layout yet...maybe thise weekend or the next! uhh well i guess i will talk to ya'll later!

Dec 8, 2001 HEY! Cable's back up (thank goodness...I was having withdrawal symptoms...) anyways...well, I best be getting my Christmas layout up before Christmas is OVER dont you think??? I have major brain farts when it comes to new layouts sometimes, and other times its all good! Enough about the page, it's been forever since I've updated! This past week wasnt the best or fastest week I've ever had, but now it's over. Today I went Christmas shopping and then finished off the day by going to Josh's house and listening to his, Brandon's, and Josh's band practice! It was fun being a groupie! Special shoutout to Josh! You guys were really kick...butt! Ya need to get a name soon (and some lyrics to Oh and the other Josh...the one with the poo pig, u were cool too! And then there's BRANDON....and emily and their wwf smackdown session! hehe love ya guys! MOSHPOT!!! WHAT!??! Happy Birthday Wes!!! (bro) oh oh oh! useless fact for the day that im overly proud of...on December 8th 1980, John Lennon was assassinated. That also happens to be the exact day/year as my bro's birthday! freakiness...Come on Lydia u were supposed to be getting on soon...u arent on...lalala...well folks, be hoping for a new layout, fixed sister links (sorry! i know i know!), and organized graphics! Signin off...

Dec 3rd, 2001
Hey guys! Sorry, Im really behind on my links and organizing all of my BAZILLIION new graphics hint hint! Hehe I added a bunch of new ones! Our cable is out and we dont really know when we are supposed to get it back! But right now i am dialed into my dads i guess i will talk to yall when we get the cable up and working again, aiight?
love always!
Nov 27, 2001 Not much new here, except we might not have to go to school tomorrow! The high is 35° and it is supposed to ice. It dont snow in Texas, it just ices, which gets us out of school, so who cares!? It is fa-reeeezing, especially for my poor Mississippi girl blood! We did Tae-bo (sp?) in offseason today, and it would have been fine but then we did conditioning sprints afterwards! UGH! boooooring! I got to meet Brandon in person today! Good times, good times. Well im gonna jet, oh and btw, Keith is at the Weezer concert right now......without me... oh special shoutout to Danube, yeah you know who you are woman! sorry people im behind on doing my sibling site links! dont kill me please!

Nov 26, 2001 Hello folks, not much new stuff's a monday. Bad bad bad headache right now, and im not in the greatest of moods so its probably not the best of times to update! I have my "soft rock" (if you will) in the ole musicmatch jukey right now so as not to irritate my headacheness. Yeah as much as I love you Chester, ya dont do so well when i have one of those advil pounding headaches...does anyone remember that? I always say that and no one gets Lots of new linkage going on...yeah Im attempting to work on a new Christmas layout but the vision just isnt coming to did anyone see last years xmas layout? GOSH it ROCKED! that is probably the best work i have ever done on a site everrrrr....hmm keith reminded me of the fact that after christmas i will only have seven more 18-weeks of highchool...gee, thanks you senior dude you.

Nov 21, 2001 Hey everybody! I got a lot of new things going today! TONS of graphics for layouts and stuff! Also put up 7 sibling sites down there...happy turkey day! please sign my guestbook people! well i gotta fly...

Nov 20, 2001 subpage...original button backgrounds made with love by yours truly. YAY thanksgiving has officially begun! now if i can only get thru volleyball tonight....wes is coming tomorrow morning! how exciting! peace,

Nov 19, 2001 Yes folks it IS official...Im obsessed with Linkin Park...especially Chester, and Im workin on gettin Lydia there. Through the mentorship of Kelli, Rach, and myself, I think we can make it.
Today is Monday, and we have a half day tomorrow!!! Test in geometry though...I am sitting at my computer watching 4 Linkin Park videos on repeat and Im beltin out the lyrics like there is no tomorrow. Isnt that the greatness of music though? spandex. what? HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA!!!(nov 20) Dude you guys i feel so know how Creed is going to be singing half time for the Cowboys game? Yeah well I know one of the girls from tophat that is going to be dancing with him! HOW COOL IS THAT! very cool vercy cool. Man this layout is really getting old and I have barely had it a week..? Ahh...Mom didnt cook dinner, that meant TV dinner macaroni and spam mmmm....peace out and have a good one!
Spammalicious Lyssa

Nov 15, 2001 Nothing new here folks, but I added a new content page...learn chinese. its really funny/corny! Not in a talkative mood so I will catch yall later! Be on the lookout for a new layout around Thanksgiving...hint hint...
Alyssa banana fana
fo fissa me mi
mo missa...Alyssa

Nov 12, 2001 What's new peeps? Yes, it's just another manic monday. Good grades though. Excited about my extra super duper long Thanksgiving weekend coming up. Who knows maybe I will have a new layout up by then...yeah I get antsy with a layout once Im done with it. Im like, okay I got it up which means thats time for a new one......argh. Im going to try to add lots of content soon. :) ah happy faces. peaceout
Nov 10, 2001 Hey everyone! Totally new look, how do you like it? Let me know in my guestbook. ARgh the weekends just go by too fast. Probably because all I do is lie around and veg out all day...GRRRRR we are starting offseason on monday...I know everyone is looking forward to THAT! Ooh I have a plug...dont forget to visit my cousin's awesome new page! Her link is at the bottom [katy]. Special shout out to Drew 2nite because he CRACKS ME UP!!! haha peaceout folks!
the fungus amungus,
dorkus majorkus

Nov 8, 2001 Wow I didnt realize that I havent updated since Monday. Sorry guys. Today was my birthday :) It was also "twins day" Me, Lydia, and Christina were TWINKIES! hehe...right Nothing really especially exciting happened today. I found out that I made the 16's team for vball! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Thanks Katy for the nifty card
Nov 5, 2001 Mondays usually SUCK, but today was awesome. Not only did I make a 96 on my verb test, but I have nooooo homework, and some other volleyball related issues occurred that I cant exactly talk about... And Lipinia..what happened to Jascob day? You pulled an 'opposites day' on moi didnt ya. HEHE Looooove is in the aaaaair...speaking of romanticismness....ow oww who got 'walked to class' today? Well, not exactly, I wasnt the smoothest executer in that dept. today but hey it is alllll good. The only thing that sucked about today is the fact that the week is only 1/5 of the way over. E-ship was fun today. Especially when Lydia walked by our room and made funny faces at me RIGHT behind the teacher. Yep yep you are a sneaky one cuz I couldnt wave or make a funny face back at you. :'( DUDE LYDIA, u gotsta splain that whole "Sneha hook me up w/ one of your hott friends" thing! THAT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME. I saw the hott clarinet today....with his bing ughughugh. Man all these good days are startin to weird me out cuz Im thinking that "for every something or another there is an equal and opposite reaction" riiiiiight? Well, I did have some bad days there for awhile thanks to my fellow name person doohicky chicky. cough. But now it's all looking up! Movin on that deeeeluxe apartment in the skyyyy......
a rather giddy Alyssa

Nov 2nd, 2001
Wow...I cant really think of anything to say...actually, you know what I can. Today was a pretty good day. Gave Lydia her nifty signs and got two in return, took a stupid verb test and probably bombed it (but thats okay), went to the football game and yes, we won! I had a BLAST. Football games are really exciting. Me and Lydia are basically "wanna be band nerds" how freakin sad is that! But u gotta love the band nerds because they do what they do, have fun in the process, and dont give a cruddoo about what anyone else thinks. Thats why I love em. The ride home was awful fun Mrs Lippy. I will call you Betty. You can call meeee AL...yssa. MY SACRIFIIIIICE! Well Im going to jet folks,

Oct 30, 2001
Howdy howdy howdy. Look at me Im a cowboy. Today was a pretty good day again I must say. Got two waves in one day.....SCORE! Saw a play called Zombie Prom. Didnt like it too much, but I guess Im just not a Zenon Girl of the Twenty-first Century kind of gal huh? Lippy is the pimpstress of Espanol! OW OWW! Hey Christina, how do you spell t_rd? Oh Emily, shall I play my air drums for you? MMhmm...INCUBAAASSS!!! Wow today was one of those "totally filled" with inside joke days. *Walks nerdily like Lippy* *Burp* *Glances* Yeah you know what Ima talkin about! Watch out I might whip out my ebonics on Russell when he's not lookin...Halloween is SO ready for a SUGAR RUSH!!! Hey Jenna, *makes stabbing motion* eee! eee! eee! Man can I just say one thing? Making decisions is really hard to do! Thats all Im saying about that one....dont ask. I hate being a freshman...I feel like such a nerd. Riiight...Hello Katy, dont just sign on and then put up an away msg. That is SO not cool. "Heh Heh, Im doing chores right now...but I got on just to haunt you and make you think I will talk to you soon when I really wont :-p" But what can I say, she advertises my site on her profile....she will probably take it off after this....but ILY! Hey everyone dont forget to sign my guestbook and take my poll! I just added pics of my grandfathers Mav and my uncles Malibu so check them out! They are on my "currently me" page. Peace out
$ Song of the Day $
15 minutes to rock
10 minutes to rock
5 minutes to rock!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 29, 2001
Believe it or not folks, my Monday was actually a really good one. So yeah it started out as a bad hair day, and i went for the grunge jeans/tshirt look today but my day just kept getting better and better as it went on. Plus Lydia had an AWESOME day today, and was giving me the total beamage after school. SPAZZMO major. Jenna just plain cracks me up. My stomach always kills after a while of talking to that girl. Love yas! I know i dont normally type all chipper like this, but lets face it, being in a good mood rocks! Ahh! Birthday is a week from this Thursday. Oh yes, and I am not going crazy because Im not my my computer, so I have a mouse that actually works! *smack* *bing* *ughughughugh* ;-) you know who you are! Special shoutout to Emily because "she's special!"
Oct 28, 2001
About to go crazy am I. Ahh! My mouse is being retarded. So I had to change it to the left-handed settings and put it on the left side of my keyboard use it like a left-handed person would. But wait I AM left-handed....I still cant use a freakin mouse w/ my left hand! Thats pretty sad my friends...So whats new with everyone else? Im in freak mode right now because I have tryouts for a club volleyball team today!

Oct 27, 2001
If you want to destroy my sweater...
Hey everyone! Most of you who are at this site probably never saw my site from 8th grade in all its greatness anyways, so Hello peeps! Welcum to my new page! Since my old page went away a long time ago, I have now decided to start a new page, with a different goal and stuff.

Lippy, Katy, Christina, Katie, Emily, Jenna, Sneha, all the vball girls, all you Leapers, and my e-ship buds.