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Hey, is this where the party's at ?

She's waking up today, slowly
but perfectly intact. Beautiful
and so smart, without a doubt as
close as to perfect as it gets.

I want your lips
I want your ass

I want to tell you; You're perfect
from where I'm standing. I'm sure
you'd disagree, I know these words
don't mean much coming from me.

Any Given Friday

Watching her postpone everything
as i sit here with my eyes
on her, my hand is temporarily
eased by the comfort of her grip...

and she turns to look at me,
I'm looking so hungry at her, I'm

and now we're taking this so slow,
i cut the embrace short, and focus
on her lips. Her decision to kiss
me back, puts my mind on one track
and i focus harder...

Watching her smile unfold
as she stops to catch her breath,
i bury my tongue in hers
and feel her breathing grow deeper.
My hands they slide all over,
i want her.

I wont have to dream of her tonight
(cuz shes only right next to me)

The Three Strike Law

One more second glance, please...
why are you still standing for?
and i promise not to
ever forget the way your
cheeks turned to red, oh no,
i did it again, just let me take
you home...

So lets begin this with one
kiss, and seal it with one more,
and we'll see how far this goes
i'm feeling good now, i'm
feeling great now, but you're
only so obvious.

There's something missing here, she says...

The sound of my head buzzing
is filling the room and its
all fair game now; she saw,
she knows, exactly whats on my
mind as she tilts her her head back
exposing her neck, and filling me in.

My words they stumble soft and patiently
she keeps her eyes on me, im
taking my time this time; there's no call
for rushing, cuz your exactly what i've
had on my mind all day, i think im
talking way to much, how about you
stop my tongue from running with yours?

Proving Sobriety Wrong

So size her up on a scale from
1-10, speak honestly, one quick
grin, reveals my grave intent
i don't think it's a good idea if
i call you, i'm going to try and
forget your name, i'm going to lose
your number

That's what happens when you're sober
you start caring again.

She's leaving, you lost her
your sullen broken down
but feeling just fine
where is she ? still waiting
my mouth is broken down from
every word i held back

So now it's up to you,
do you want to follow through
or leave it at this ?
Its not so easy to see you
it doesn't mean much anyways
so just forget it.

I'm having second thoughts again
so wont you come down and save me
with your heavenly grace, your
beautiful face, i'm having second

Here is my Nightmare

so what do we have here ?
you're alone again and it's
just not right, so you call her.

Since she's replaced her automatic
invoice, her voice it makes me quiver
inside, so I hang up.

Here is your nightmare
(you're alone again)
Here is your nightmare
(you're alone again)

So we drive away, cuz we can't stand
the sight of this place, any longer.
I'm trying so hard I swear, to not let
this death look so obvious.

So what do we have here ?
10,000 burning light bulbs
line the walls of my room,
and I call you, to let you know,
there's something missing here,
but you don't care.

It's so cold out tonight,
why don't you get a little closer ?
and I'm not even sure if you're next
to me, with my head turned the other way
I'm looking at two other people.
As she's holding on so tightly to him,
I turn around and face you.

and you don't see anything wrong,
no you don't see anything wrong.
I should've known, that everything
was so wrong. Everything was so wrong.

Hey Love, don't wait up I'll be home
Hey Love, don't wait up I'll be home
I'll be home soon.

We Break on 5, One, Two, Five

He keeps his hands in place
as she's getting near, and
then he sees what he's been
waiting for his whole life.

Her hands lay low, as she wraps
her arms around me, is this a dream?
is that what you are ?

Softly shooting green glares, right at me
heads turn in unison, twin stares fixed on
each others lips, and I'm impending the focus
because it's farther than I think, and I
always fall short. Always fall short.

Her hands lay low, as she wraps
her arms around me, is this a dream?
is that what you are ?


Page 1

The autumn is dying, the fall is failing me,
bruised and refused still lying down,
still winding down, the window was left open
through all the confusion. And finding
out what you are. This is what you are.

She changed her mind again,
she had every right.
holding on to what she left behind,
I have every right.

One quick conversation, keep flicking the
lighter, stray sparks straight burn through my skin
and I can't hide the fire, she keeps twisting
and pulling at my tongue, stray words are burning...
this boy is falling apart.


The Self Defeat of a Perfect Empire

So write it down, if it's to much for you to take
and you wish that she was more, don't you wish
that she was more than this. The shape of words
I cant make out, the sound and silence, she's
destroying everything, that she touches. And
I let her in.

Is there nothing I can do ? she keeps on taking
so much of me, as we stand on the verge of
ending ourselves. Isn't this so much fun ?
isn't this so great ? Isn't this the best?
I've finally found a reason to die.

Now you want more she says to me,
as I try to hide away my thoughts and feelings
so painfully. Do you want to give up ? if that's
what you really want then I'm already lying down.
I'm already dead.

That Part in Your Dreams Right Before You Wake Up

I'd like to start off by letting you know
I've got more on my mind than I probably
should, and it goes, you're alone,
and it shows that I need you.

Its late, and I'm almost out of time
but its okay, cuz you're still next to me
and its driving me crazy to see your lips
go untouched, and I want them...

I'd like to start off by letting you know
I've got more on my mind than I probably
should, and it goes, we're alone,
and it shows that I need you.

so watch me deliberately not know what to
say, whatever, don't hold back, just do it...

Its All Down Hill From Here

I woke up today with the feeling that
you didn't want this anymore, and can you
blame me ? I don't think you understand how
much everything you say, means to me, and
can you blame me ? I don't think you should.

its not fair, to me, when you say the things
you do, when all I want, is to hold you close

I don't think you see what your doing to me
cant you stop and listen to the words you say
when its time to say goodbye, say goodbye.

No, My Tongue Isn't Tied, I'm Just Sick of Being Denied

This is all about, the distance the feelings, and all the things I'd rather not talk about. So keep yourself intact, keep on holding yourself back. This is murder this is tragedy, this is everything you haven't figured out. I am emotionally invincible. Reconstructed, broken down, a perfect waste of good intentions. I am the best you'll know, I am the happiness you'll never know, ain't that something, for me to know.

No, my tongue isn't tied, I'm just sick of being denied, don't try to feed me lines, your false concern isn't in any way impressive, and you lie, but not like me, I am as honest as I should be, the perfect mind inside the perfect body, but I'm sorry to say, there's rust, and its gathering.

You are the destroyer of all that is pure, the deadliest of all diseases, and there's no cure...for this, I'm giving in.

your spreading through my body, I feel the decay in my limbs, every moment spent in front of you, takes it's toll and wears me in, I've never felt so powerless, I'm lying down and giving. The words you speak are whispers, lie down with me, and feel my muscles as I breathe, your coma is everlasting, indefinite, and leaving me again, so come closer and let me take you all in, the words you speak are whispers, tease me and watch me withering, I'm dying at your will, I'm dying by your breath, I hope this comforts you before you close, your eyes, my death for your happiness, And I am the one to blame, and I am the one who let you in.

Your standing back and watching, and I'm lying down and giving in. Your walking out the door, and I'm speaking all the words, I said I'd never speak before, you leave the room, but you still hear them, you leave the room and you still fear them, and leave me to my glorious end, you leave me but I still pretend, and in the end it's all wasted conversation. You are in every breath I take, and you're leaving me to my glorious end, it's taking all I got. I feel you, I breathe you.

My Confession

Sit alone, and wonder. Waste your time, and try
to move on. Its the trying that gets to me,
its the day that wears me in, the nights they
just break me, and I lie awake, because I cant
sleep knowing I cant have you. I can only
imagine the places that you go, and the all the
boys you've been with, who can have you
the way I only wish I could. I can only imagine
what it be like, if you'd show me the affection I've
always wanted since the first time I saw you,
I can only imagine...

I'll say lets take this drive away
and end up somewhere far from where
we are right now. You are the curve that
my headlights are to slow to pick up on
so lets get it over with and flip this
thing right now.

This is all about the lip gloss,
and the let down, and everything you
left out. Well I'm all out of things
to say, you know how I feel, but you
still push me far away, and I don't know
if this is the time to give up.

What are you going to say now ?
What are you going to say next ?
I am something you're going to be
missing, you'll see.
What are you going to say now ?
What are you going to say next ?
cuz I'm done trying, I am something your
going to miss.



















This is Treason

(unofficial order)

Hey, is this where the party's at ?

Any Given Friday

The Three Strike Law

Proving Sobriety Wrong

Here is My Nightmare

We Break on 5, one, two, five

Page 1


The Letters Will Fade

The Self Defeat of a Perfect Empire

That Part in Your Dreams Right Before You Wake Up

 It's All Down-Hill From Here

No, My Tongue Isn't Tied, I'm Just Sick of Being Denied

My Confession