1 Pet 1:8. We see in Peter the grace of God - He was kept by God - the same power that keeps Christians today.
The Bible tells us as it is - Noahs drunkeness, Davids lust etc.
We see Peter with faults and weaknesses so that none of us despair. He was a passionate lover of God, yet there was many occassions when he would despair at His life and actions.
Despite all his weaknesses, Peter was called by God.
We also have the story of Peter so that none of us might presume. Rom 6:15. There is grace, but that doesnt allow us to live as we please.
THE CALL OF PETER - to follow
John 1:42. The disciples 'followed' . Andre had to tell his brother that he had found the Messiah.
'Jesus looked at Peter' - Peter here experiences grace - from a dive, to a rock. Jesus gave Peter a name that meant something.
Christ took the innitiative - He came to Peter and knew the worst in him, but promised the best to him.
Jesus changed Peter.
Rom 1:7 - A description of what a Christian is.
THE CALL OF PETER - to serve
Peter had to be something different and do something different. The Christian has been called and must call others. 1 Pet 2:9. We are a chosen generation. God has chosen us to proclaim His praises. We love the gospel and its truths, yet we can be guilty of holding it back. We should make confession of Jesus Christ.
Unashamedly Peter made God known. We should have a great committment to those we know who are unconverted.
Peter was willing to follow and serve Christ - no questions asked.
2 Cor 5:14. Are we driven by Christs love, to love Him more? We can never stand in judgement of Peters love to Christ.
Are we consumed with the love of Christ?