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The creators of some of my sites contents may not be known, so unless otherwise stated, the credit is given to the artist. If, by chance, you come along one of my pages and find that I have your graphics on them PLEASE email me and I will either delete them or give you the credit that you deserve. I will also gladly add links to the authors’ web sites, email address etc.To my knowledge I have abided by all of the copyright laws and ethics to the best of my abilities. My copyright is only for what I do with the art work, not the art work it's self. If there is anyone I have failed to acknowledge please excuse the oversight and contact me via e-mail with the appropriate information so that proper credits may be promptly given. Many of the things you see on my pages have been sent to me by other people. Some have been created by me using art work that I have asked permission to use, or found on my own and do not know of the artist. I believe all the material on my pages to be of public domain or are used with permission from the respective author. I have made every effort to identify the original author and attribute appropriately. When this is not possible, "Author Unknown" is noted or no author is shown. I do not claim any copyright for the stories or poems or any other written works, except for the work I have written myself.

I do not have any control over the banners shown on my pages.

My Email address is

Bernadette Miller

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