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there will be a quote here

Signum, Extras

An apocalypse is supposed to be the end by definition. In this some of the ancient cultures may have been more accurate. We have seen the end and found that it was only an end. WWIII, Red Moon Wars, and Ragnorak are all the same apocalypse, though separate when filed and written. The world, Caerigna's world, survived its greatest disease. The disease survived as well, though, and all have adapted. Precision is an art that saved them, but the surgery revealed a new world much like the old. Innovation and tradition could not exist they claimed. Yet by destroying each other they have become one in the same.

The U.N., an organization of the world's governments, was reinstated. It kept its name though it could not truly be called the same organization. The Declaration of Responsibility had seen to that. Known, for its author, as the Goff Doctrine, it brought opportunity, and reason to the industries, people, and lands of the world. Capitalists hated it, Socialists hated it, and the Right and the Left hated it. Thus the people loved it, for the people had grown very tired indeed of their leader's apocalyptic means. Revolution: a word of fear and hatred for those in charge, but one of freedom and choice for those in change. She told them in philosophy, theory, morality, and storytelling. They listened, and she gave them the wise and the learned. Governments remained; enough destruction had been done. The United Nations raised them up, and brought them to themselves. Evolution with Revolution was the catch phrase, but evolution takes many orbiting revolutions. To every rule there is dissention. It is from this that we grow, and the newest forms of the world were not without their rebels. It is not the time for their revolution yet, and the newly in charge have yet to be so corrupted as to require such a revolt. May that go unchanged into the vast distance of the future. There is also an ever-present need, in any structure, for warriors and defenders. For this new-turned world they are called the F.W.M.. The Federated World Militia is run by the U.N., and is a body of the educated, and the lethal. They are unlike former armies. As war has new characteristics, so does its soldiers. Every innovation is a tool, and every tool can be a weapon. This does not change, but with every new weapon war changes, and those who fight it change. Empty-headed automatons are of little use to those post-apocalypse, and arrogance or superior firepower can no longer rule the day. Tradition has become the heart of innovation, and with it came responsibility in aspects.

Industry, Science, Religion, Politics, et al have been strengthened by the changes that have occurred. The old and the new have advanced together far beyond the works of any one category of noun. The belief's and principles of our Caerigna come form the "then" of both past and future to be written and rewritten in the now. Forever advancing in a world forever changing her understandings are decanted to these pages of the ancient path of seeking. The words and images are here for reading and looking, not as demands or cultic devotion. Take them, use them, and turn them to your wisdom.

My Friends & F.W.M. Allies

Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave.
-Jareth (labrynth)

JoJo Binx
Litle Jon & Bar-ba-ra
Vivianne Mouseion

Rules of Conduct

Blue Flame's Demesnes