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At end, when making death's horrors true;
Into self-lost demesnes, must fade Blue. - by R.G.

Locator Panel
Press to request a locale from Cerberus

Think Tanks

It is from the Dungeon Main that the rest of Dungeon's fields are accessed. It is also in this cavern that Minotaur, the head Dungeon A.I., takes her rest. There are no maps of Dungeon, save for the ones in the head of Sophus Myrddin Akkad, and the circuits of Cerberus. Minotaur had her own means of finding her way as well. There are locator panels throughout, however. They are touch-screens, which will provide Cerberus' lights. Follow these lights, and one will never be lost. Do not let arrogance guide your steps, as this labrynth has a life of its own, and cares greatly for its flora, fauna, and facea inhabitants.
Dungeon was originally a set of caves whose creation is not remembered. A love for them brought to the tunnels a form of changling ability. Time passed, and this ability turned into life, and an intellegence that is vastly different from previously known creatures. With its understanding the labrynth taught sand to think with tamed lightening. From this intellect, and emotion, was born Minotaur. Minotaur changed over more time, as did Dungeon. Other A.I.s had also come to be by the time Caerigna emerged within the Demesnes. "Moses" arrived sometime later to Dungeon's walls, and came to live here. All things change, and much occurs by which Dungeon is affected. Travelers of all kinds are welcome. May a calm follow your heels in these stones.

"Din, din, din.
There is to much noise, mother..."
