Brian Kinney

Played by Gale Harold

Brian Kinney (Gale Harold)

Whether in the boardroom, the bedroom or the backroom, this hot, heartbreaking ad exec tells it like it apologies, no regrets. Although his three favorite hobbies are sex, sex and sex, he is also a man who is always there when his friends need him...although he isn't always going to be nice about it.


Here's a quick guide to help organize Brian's overstuffed rolodex.


Brian & Michael

Brian met Michael when they were both 14 years old, and he could see the smaller boy was totally infatuated with him. Brian had feelings for Michael too...not that he was ever good at showing his feelings. Except for a brief, unfinished, adolescent sexual encounter, Brian never had sex with Michael — not that he didn't want to. Oh, a couple times they came close, but still no home run. Brian didn't want to let anything — especially sex — get in the way of their friendship. Sometimes Brian can be a little too protective of Michael, and sometimes Brian just wants to keep Michael for himself. Like when Michael started dating Dr. Dave and Brian felt the need to belittle Dr. Dave in front of Michael, and even belittled the very idea of "dating." It was a pretty stupid ritual, after all. Why not just have sex and then move on? Besides, Michael didn't need anyone but Brian. But when Debbie went to Brian and said that he was interfering with Michael's chances of happiness...everything changed. Brian, who loved Michael more than anything, needed to push him away. He did this by destroying Michael's 30th birthday party which included outing Michael to his friend Tracy and also humiliating Dr. Dave in front of everyone. It worked. After the party, Michael moved in with Dr. Dave, and Brian and Michael were no longer friends...for a moment. But they got over it. The one thing is certain, no matter what happened, the two friends would always be there for each other.

When Michael returns to Pittsburgh after his ill-fated move to Portland, Brian is not the same, something has changed in him since Justin's bashing. Would things ever get back to normal for Michael and Brian?

Brian wanted to keep it quiet. It's gay etiquette not to say when you've already slept with your best friend's boyfriend. So Brian kept his little White Party fling with Ben quiet. It was two years ago after all. No big deal. When Michael finds out he's at first totally cool but then when Emmett and other friends start goading him about it, he started to obsessing about it. Of course Brian knows the real reason why it's bothering him. It's not because Brian had sex with Ben, it's because Brian never had sex with Michael.


Brian & Debbie

Brian met Debbie when Michael dragged him home from school. The 14-year-old Brian couldn't believe his eyes. Debbie was everything his mother wasn't. Debbie was warm, funny and openly adored her son and her son's friends. Brian loved being there and would spend more time at Debbie's house than his own. But it wasn't all smooth sailing between Brian and Debbie. There was the issue of Michael's relationship with Dr. Dave. Brian didn't think anyone else knew why Michael couldn't commit to another man...but Debbie knew; she knew Michael was in love with Brian from the first moment they met. And she told Brian that if he really cared about Michael he would let Michael go. Hearing stuff like that from Deb was hard. But Brian listened...a little too well. He forced Michael away, by destroying Michael's 30th birthday. At first Debbie didn't get it, but later she went back to Brian's and said she understood. If nothing else, Brian was glad Debbie understood. In the end, Brian loves Debbie...not that he's gonna send her flowers on Mother's Day...but he'd think about it.


Brian & Jack

The best way to sum up Brian's feelings for his dad would be "indifference"...unless you didn't mind using the word "hate." Whichever it was, it wasn't pleasant and it started when Brian was a kid. He endured his father's macho coldness, his taunting and distance. It didn't seem to matter to Brian...or so he said. Brian mostly cut his dad out of his life as he grew up. Didn't even tell him about Gus being born. Forget about telling him he was queer. But one day the old man came hanging around. "Hey, Buddy Boy, your old man's got something to tell you..." He told Brian he had cancer. That he would be dying quick. What could Brian do? Should he suddenly feel something and start a relationship at this point in the final round? Did Brian feel something? Brian didn't know himself. But then Debbie told him he needed to be honest about himself with his dad, and tell him the whole shebang. So Brian did. But the ol' man didn't like it. Didn't want to know his son was a fag. But soon the old man was dying, and for a moment Jack Kinney looked just like a human being. It was then that Brian introduced his father to his grandson Gus. And, as Jack died, both men were finally able to let go of the past.


Brian & Lindsay

Brian and Lindsay did the sex-thing with each other back in college...then they became best friends. Why not? They were both hot, queer and Brian could see Lindsay was one of the few people who understood him without over-analyzing him. They would be bound for life...even more so when Brian fathered Lindsay's son, Gus. Probably the only thing the Golden Boy didn't like about the Golden Girl was the Golden Girl's girlfriend, Melanie. See, Brian wanted to be the center of attention, and so did Melanie and Lindsay...well...she just wanted everyone to get along. But probably the biggest conflict was that Brian wasn't ready to give up his rights and let Melanie adopt Gus. After all, Brian liked being a father...when he had the time. For a while things got really tense. But then Lindsay and Melanie broke up, and Brian watched as Lindsay planned to marry some French guy named...uh...Gui. A guy named Gui? As Gus' father? Married to Lindsay? Suddenly Brian thought Melanie didn't look like such a bad match for Lindsay after all. In fact, Brian suddenly got the gals back together, and agreed to give up his rights to Gus, so Melanie could adopt him. When it comes down to it, if Brian has anything to say about it, he'll always make sure Lindsay ends up happy.

Despite Brian not believing in their silly lesbian wedding, he had to do something when Lindsay's dream day was turning into a nightmare. But would he give up his trip to the White Party to show up at Lindsay's wedding? Well, for Lindsay, he would...but he really wouldn't like it. Luckily for Brian, Lindsay knew that. She cut him free...and that's why Brian loves her.


Brian & Melanie

Brian didn't get along with Melanie from the start. To him, she was just another pain-in-the-ass example of political correctness. Not only that but she interfered with his relationship with Lindsay — at least that's how he looked at it. Oh there was that time when he actually needed Melanie — when that little creep Kip sued him for sexual harassment. Melanie did a great job. In fact, for a split second, he almost liked her. Of course the true test would come later, when Lindsay and Melanie broke up because of Melanie's cheating with another woman. Hmm? Improper sex? Maybe Melanie is human? But the real thing that made Brian have a change of heart was when Lindsay was going to marry that French twit, Guillaume. Melanie wasn't the only one freaking over that one. Brian sure didn't want that arrogant, green-card-hunting, Pepe Le Pew adopting his son ...even Melanie was a better option than that. So, without a lot of fanfare, Brian signed over his legal rights to Gus, so Melanie could go ahead with the adoption. And at the same time he told the two gals to get the hell over all the dyke-drama and get back together. In the end, whatever his opinion of Melanie, he knew she would be a good mother to Gus and a good partner to Lindsay. So from that point on, Brian and Melanie weren't exactly "best friends" but the fire had reached a manageable size.


Brian & Ted

Brian didn't hate Ted when they first met...he just barely noticed him at all. But when he was forced to get to know him because of their mutual friendship with Michael...he still didn't see much there. Ted was everything Brian wasn't. Ted was older than Brian (strike one), not a pretty boy (strike two), believed in "true love" (foul) and played the victim in the bars instead of the predator (Stee-Rike Three! You're Out!) Remember, Brian doesn't "do" victims...although, truth be told, he did "do" Ted...once...just once. It wasn't planned. It just happened. It was a sex party, long time ago. But let's not talk about won't happen again. The real weird thing was when Brian actually called Ted to hang out. Never happened before. Oh, it wasn't that Brian saw the innate goodness in the boring exterior of his was mere use. Michael wasn't talking to him, and Brian needed a substitute Michael. He figured Ted would do better than a dead cat...but then again maybe not.


Brian & Justin

Brian met Justin after Babylon one night. He immediately thought the younger man was hot, and there was something about him that wasn't like the other tricks he'd drag home. What he didn't know was that this was Justin's first sexual encounter. Brian thought he'd keep him around for a few days and then give him his walking papers. Justin though had his own agenda...and wasn't easily swayed. And despite Brian's protests, he found himself responding to the younger man's diligence...but still tried to remain cold and distant. It's just that there were a few things Brian couldn't help liking about Justin. He certainly liked how Justin made love, and how he would draw Brian when Brian was sleeping. Somehow Brian started to feel responsible for Justin. In a way Justin was just a younger version of himself. For a while Brian let Justin live with him...until he threw him out. When Justin ran away, Brian — with the encouragement of Debbie — got a posse together to follow him to NYC and bring him back. Brian never expected to find himself going out on a limb for some kid, but he even took it upon himself to go and talk sense into Justin's parents. When that didn't work, Brian helped Justin move in with Debbie. The real test of Brian's feelings for Justin came when Justin invited Brian to the prom. At first Brian refused. It was just kid stuff after all. But then Brian went, and it was one of the greatest nights of both their lives. That is until it was over and a homophobe with a baseball bat put a horrible ending on the evening. But Brian would still be matter what happened

In the aftermath of Justin's bashing, Brian blamed himself for what happened. He began to pull away. And although Brian saw him every night in the hospital, he would only be there when Justin was sleeping. Justin wouldn't know, and Brian could continue to protect him...from himself.

One day Brian found his relationship with Justin had changed, they had somehow morphed into a handholding, coupon clipping happily "might as well be married" queer couple. Guys who had known the old Brian started to snigger and point. Brian didn't like it. Something had to change...and change fast. Brian wanted his freedom, but he also wanted Justin. Solution: open relationship with limited names, no numbers, no kissing and back to home-base (i.e., Justin) by no later than 3 a.m.

Brian could tell right away that Justin had tricked out with some young guy at the party, and with a few questions he also guessed that Justin broke one of their cardinal rules: he kissed him. Does this mean that Brian can't trust Justin?

Brian doesn't like how Sap is manipulating Justin with drugs and money. Justin denies it, but Brian wasn't born yesterday. He admires how Justin wants to be a man and pay for school himself, but he doesn't want to see Justin hurt. Justin finally asks for help, and Brian is happy to be there...he's also happy to give up something for Justin, something he never gives up for any man. Hmmm...this is getting serious.

Brian starts feeling jealous when Michael and Justin start spending every moment together as they begin brainstorming about their project. Justin has no time for Brian...not even for sex. Brian feels completely shut out, and becomes incredibly jealous of their work. He gets really pissed off...literally. But when he comes up for air...he does the unthinkable (for Brian anyway)...he apologizes. He also realizes, with a little help from Debbie, that Rage is actually based on by being the inspiration for the comic book, Brian understands that he's been part of it all along. That, of course, makes him more than happy!

Brian wanted to please Justin for his birthday...but in his own way. He hired a hooker for Justin's 19th...and Justin seemed to enjoy least that's what Brian thought.

Brian wants to finally give Justin the attention Justin least for a week in Vermont. But when business interrupts the plans, Brian puts Justin to the usual. He can always get to Justin later...after all, Justin will always be there... or will he? Without telling Brian, Justin goes to Vermont alone. This bothers Brian more than he'd ever admit.

Brian is so obsessed with work that he hasn't been noticing that Justin has been becoming attached to Ethan.

When Brian hears from Michael about Justin, his first reaction is that Justin owes him nothing. But when the realization starts to sink in Brian's feelings reveal themselves to be a bit more complicated...especially when he watches Justin lie to him.

Brian knows he will never be able to say the things to Justin, that Ethan said. He also knows that he would never be able to give Justin the kind of relationship he wants. But still, when he sees Justin leave with Ethan, Brian still feels like he may have lost something very important. Is it really over?


Brian & Kip

Kip seemed to be a new rising star at the agency. He had good ideas when others had none, so Brian gave the kid a chance. Sure he was hot, but Brian knew to keep his relationship with Kip professional. Kip, after all, was a new employee, and Brian isn't stupid. He wasn't worth the risk. But when Kip made the first move Brian was more than willing to clear his schedule — and his desk — for a little mid-afternoon "conference." But afterward, Brian was ready to get back to "just business"...however, Kip wasn't. Kip wanted more. But not only of Brian's body, he also wanted advancement in his job. They were both queer after all. You got to help out your own. Brian said "bull." Kip would have to earn a promotion just like everyone else, by doing hard work. Kip wasn't pleased and soon he was suing Brian and his company for sexual harassment. But he didn't get away with it — thanks to an encounter Kip had with Justin the charges were soon dropped. And that was the last of Kip.


Brian & Marvin

Brian likes money, and he likes doing well at his job. When the boss told him to entertain Marvin, one of the firm's biggest clients, Brian was happy to oblige. But this client wasn't interested in baseball games or least not female strippers. This client wanted Brian. Brian, not one to look at sex as anything other than a tool of power and/or fun, was happy to "entertain." That is, until Brian was standing naked in Marvin's hotel room...and then the phone rang. It was Marvin's wife and kids. Marvin lies to the little lady. But Brian doesn't "do" family men who lie. Sorry, Marvin. Maybe Brian lost the account for the company...but, even to Brian, some things are more important.


Brian & Jennifer

Brian never wanted to meet Jennifer. Hell, it was hard enough with Justin acting like they were real boyfriends. But now Justin's mother thought Brian had seduced her son against his will, and then when she realized Justin was no "innocent victim" she showed up at Brian's work, tossed Justin's stuff in his face and basically said, "Here, now he's your problem." And he was...especially when Jennifer's husband tried to kill Brian. But despite that, and despite Jennifer's own reluctance to accept her son's sexuality, Brian soon started to admire Jennifer. He saw her as she was, a decent woman struggling to understand her son's very complex life. Brian knew one thing; she sure was a whole helluva lot better than his own mother.

After Justin was bashed, things between Brian and Jennifer fell apart. Jennifer blamed Justin's sexuality and love for Brian for the bashing. Brian, still respecting Jennifer, agreed to never see her son again...

Jennifer changes her mind about Brian seeing Justin. He might be the only path to Justin's recovery. She asks Brian to come back into Justin's life. In fact she goes a step further and asks him to "take" her son...both emotionally and sexually.


Brian & Ben

Brian met Ben two years before Michael meet him. They met at the White Party in Miami and had an incredible night of hot sex. Ben even brought out the ropes to mark the occasion. It was one of the best nights of sex Ben ever had. As for Brian...well, he was just doing what came naturally to him. How could he know that this trick would one day be dating his best friend.


Brian & Ethan

Brian finally meets Ethan, and can see he has talent. He also can see that Justin has good taste. But Brian doesn't do battle...he knows Ethan isn't the enemy after all. No one is. The only thing Brian knows about Ethan is that Justin chose him...or rather what Ethan was able to offer what Brian won't.


Brian Kinney (Gale Harold)

BRIAN KINNEY: The bad boy., the hottest man in Pittsburgh. Smart, successful, devastatingly honest and sexy as hell, he can have any of the gorgeous men Pittsburgh has to offer... and probably already has.

EARLIEST AMBITION: To be young and hot forever.

MOST RECENT AMBITION: To be young and hot forever.

BIGGEST FEAR: Growing old.

BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO A RELATIONSHIP: Obsessed with being young and hot forever.

FAVORITE FOOD: A perfectly aged filet mignon...rare and bloody.

GUILTY PLEASURE: Watching Justin sleep.

FAVORITE MUSIC: Beethoven to Bowie. Anything that can pump the blood so he can pump...whatever the hell he's pumping.

THE LOOK OF HIS LAIR: Minimalist furniture, hi-tech infrastructure, glass block room dividers. It's all about the bed and the shower -- places where he performs his favorite activities -- and we ain't talkin' Scrabble.

THINGS THAT BUG THE HELL OUT OF BRIAN: People telling him "no." Aging. Whiny people. Mediocrity in anything. Difficult zippers on other guys' pants. People who forget to leave when he's finished with them. Anyone who or anything that might hurt Michael or Justin.


FAVORITE OLD TV CHARACTER: Jonathan Steed in "The Avengers."

WHAT'S ALWAYS IN HIS REFRIGERATOR: Poppers - to heat himself up, and Evian -- to cool himself off.