Lindsay Peterson

Played by Thea Gill

Lindsay Peterson (Thea Gill)

This WASP princess is more whole grain than white bread, but she still can't seem to suppress all those urges to...uh...suppress. Mostly warm, but with the capability to chill, Lindsay is a committed partner to Melanie and adoring mom to Gus. But probably her most difficult role is being one of Brian's best friends.


Balancing love, motherhood, and friendship can sometimes be a challenge for Lindsay. Take a look at those closest to her.


Lindsay & Brian

When they first met in college Lindsay and Brian experimented with at least one sexual encounter with each other, but they soon recognized they were both queer and began a best friendship that would last forever. They grew so close that Lindsay chose Brian to be the father of her child, and not just because he was beautiful. She, more than almost anyone, saw the good in Brian — although she's not afraid to tell Brian he's acting like an asshole...especially when it comes to how he treats Justin. And when he is downright irresponsible, like when he left Gus with Justin just so he could go to the Leather Ball, Lindsay doesn't hesitate to tell him to grow up. But when Melanie or anyone else says something negative about Brian, Lindsay is the first one to defend him. In the end they are now, and always will be, best friends.

Lindsay appreciated when Brian told her that he would give up going to the White Party to be at her wedding. But she didn't need him to deny himself to prove he loved her. And really for Brian to be so obviously just wouldn't be Brian. For Lindsay, Brian's greatest gift was to just be his normal, "the world revolves around me" self...and go to the circuit party. Besides when things were looking bad he came through and got the gang into action to plan one amazing wedding!

Lindsay doesn't like it when Leda suggests moving in with them in return for building Lindsay's art studio in the attic. Lindsay feels jealous, and deep down is worried something might start up between Melanie and Leda...or at least that's what she thinks she thinks.

Lindsay can't figure out what happened to the sexual interaction with Melanie. It just seems everything turns to domesticity with them these days. Not even a lame attempt at sex in a sleazy hotel can make a miracle over their lesbian bed death. But soon a Miracle worker does the body of lovely Leda. At first Melanie thinks Leda is trying to steal Lindsay, but then without any warning Lindsay and Melanie find themselves making love with Leda...together. Perhaps "three" truly can be company?


Lindsay & Melanie

Lindsay met Melanie about six years before they decided to start their family. Having Gus was a big decision, but Lindsay knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Melanie. Lindsay's only problem with Melanie seemed to be the fact that Melanie and Brian hated each other. Lindsay found herself constantly defending Brian to Melanie and vice versa, which was very frustrating. But Lindsay really appreciated that Melanie was working twice as much so Lindsay could be a stay-at-home mom for Gus. Unfortunately this "gift" also isolated Lindsay from Melanie, and Melanie started to resent the arrangement. But didn't Melanie understand that taking care of a baby was a lot of work? Didn't Melanie understand that Lindsay was too tired to have sex after taking care of Gus all day? And why did Melanie keep insisting they go to therapy? Lindsay didn't think there were any problems...until the night Melanie didn't come home. When Lindsay found out Melanie slept with another woman it was the end. She ordered Melanie out of the house and began other plans on how she would care for Gus. She knew she'd have to go back to work, and she'd have to find other ways of making ends meet. That's when she asked Guillaume to come live with her and Gus. She would marry the Frenchman. After all he needed his green card and Lindsay needed his cash and ability to baby-sit Gus when she went to work. It didn't matter what Melanie thought. Lindsay had to think of Gus now. But luckily Brian stepped in, got the girls back together and Guillaume out of the picture. Lindsay realized she really did love Melanie and wanted to work things out.

Confronted with a double standard at her sister's wedding, Lindsay proposed to Melanie in front of all the heterosexual relatives. Was it just a political statement? Not for Lindsay. She really wanted to have a wedding. The only problem was...Melanie didn't.

Lindsay, feeling as if she has no choice, finally agrees with Melanie's contention that marriage is just a silly, meaningless heterosexual ritual. But then Melanie changes her own mind, and this time she proposes to Lindsay. The engagement is official.

Lindsay wasn't thrilled about Melanie's ex, Leda, popping up out of nowhere, reviving Melanie's motorcycle passion. But seeing how happy Melanie was with the engine between her legs, inspired Lindsay to give up fighting the bad girls...and, instead, join them.

Lindsay and Melanie tell their friends they're going to be married! Let the planning begin!

Lindsay hated the fact that Melanie was being so tight on spending money for their wedding. Maybe they shouldn't get married at all, or at least that's how Lindsay felt at the moment. But later, when Lindsay discovered love letters between her late grandmother and a forbidden secret female lover, she and Melanie both changed their minds. Because her grandmother came from an era where they couldn't profess their love publicly, she and Melanie knew they should show their love to the world.

Thanks to Mercury being in retrograde, Lindsay's formal wedding plans fell apart. But, in spite of everything, Lindsay found herself happier than ever with the makeshift wedding her friends put together. She finally got to marry Melanie!


Lindsay & Justin

Lindsay and Justin first met at the hospital just after Lindsay gave birth to Gus. Justin even had a hand in choosing Gus's name. Lindsay immediately liked Justin, and saw that he inspired something in Brian that few others have. She also saw Justin's innate artistic talent and encouraged him, helping him to enter his work in the local Gay and Lesbian art exhibition at the center. Moreover, Lindsay and Melanie also counseled Justin about life, especially when Justin didn't understand why Daphne reacted so strongly after she lost her virginity to him. And it seemed Lindsay's couch was the first place Justin would crash after he'd have one of his usual fights with Brian. She, like Debbie, has become something of a surrogate mother to Justin.


Lindsay & Guillaume

After breaking up with Melanie, Lindsay was desperate to find a way to make ends meet as a newly single mother. Marrying Gui seemed the perfect solution. After all she had known him for some time. He was charming, sexy, queer, great with Gus and needed his green card as much as Lindsay needed help. Marriage would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. It didn't matter that Melanie was warning her of the dangers. It wasn't her business...anymore. However, things changed when Brian stepped in. He didn't like Gui, and Lindsay could tell he didn't want the Frenchman raising his son. Then Brian suddenly agreed to sign over his rights to Gus so Melanie could adopt him. What could Lindsay do? She loved Melanie, and Gui might be able to find another desperate American woman. Non? Pauvre, Gui. Aurevoir, mon ami.

The Petersons

Lindsay & The Petersons

Ron and Nancy Peterson have accepted their daughter Lindsay's relationship with Melanie...but only up to a point. They certainly weren't pleased when Lindsay proposed to Melanie in front of the entire family at their heterosexual daughter's wedding.

Lindsay has always been the polite dutiful daughter to her upper middle class parents. Unfortunately they aren't so accepting of her life...or "life partner." Lindsay tried to incorporate them into her life and her upcoming wedding, but they wanted nothing to do with it. Lindsay felt hurt at first, but soon accepted that her real family may not be blood-relatives, but rather the people that show up when you really need them.


Lindsay & Leda

Lindsay feels threatened by Leda moving in and helping renovate the attic. She doesn't like how much history Leda and Melanie have together...but she eventually overcomes her jealousy. And as far a cheating goes, who was Lindsay really worried about?

Lindsay's sex life with Melanie is back to being great — thanks to Leda. But she doesn't want to repeat the 3-way again, and she doesn't want to be the one to ask Leda to leave. After all Leda is Melanie's friend. They both end up breaking it to Leda. At first she takes it badly, but things work out for the best in the end.


Lindsay Peterson (Thea Gill)

LINDSAY PETERSON: Artist, teacher, lover, mother.

Lindsay is the sweet WASP princess who was awakened from her sleep by the kiss of a beautiful civil rights lawyer named Melanie. Lindsay is usually the level-headed one in most situations, and often becomes the peacemaker between Brian and Melanie. She's sometimes torn between her love for these two strong personalities, but there is no doubt the one priority that supercedes everything is her young son, Gus. She loves being a mother.

EARLIEST AMBITION: To be Georgia O'Keefe, Gloria Steinem and Meryl Streep.

HABITS OF OTHER PEOPLE THAT IRRITATE HER: Chewing ice. Leaving dirty underwear on the floor. When people ask "Who's the mother?" when she and Melanie are out with Gus. When her parents don't call and don't seem to care about Gus. How Melanie and Brian can push each other's buttons to create an argument in a second's time.

FAVORITE OLD TIME TV CHARACTER: Mary Richards on "Mary Tyler Moore".

SEVEN FAVORITE JEOPARDY! CATEGORIES: Modern Mommies, Art History, Women Writers, Girl Power, Painted Ladies, Oh Baby Baby, Popular Poetry.


IF HOSTING A DINNER PARTY, HER GUESTS WOULD BE: Melanie and Brian (at opposite ends of the table), Justin, k.d. lang, Carly Simon, Susan Sontag and Annie Lebowitz.


GUILTY PLEASURE: Showing people photos of her son.