Civilization VS Society
Is it possible to have a society founded on the precept of individual freedoms? Civilization by definition is the absence of anarchy and yet a society based on individuality must try and accept an anarchist among it? Who is right and who is wrong in the case of the rights of the individual vs the needs of the establishment? I'm definitely not saying the government is always right but I also know that the average person has no idea what it takes to make the world go round and sometimes they do but they don't have the balls to go through with it. In theory we elect these people because they represent our wants, needs, and beliefs but I also think a lot of us don't want the responsibility of having our finger on the proverbial button. I know that I don't.
As a world super power we are supposed to be akin to the leaders of civilization in the entire freakin' world but the goals that are taught to us is to go to college, get a high paying job, and amass enough wealth to provide comfortably for our children and support the so-called lower class. Does this make us better and more advanced or softer and lazy? We are a fat and lazy country (Exhibit A, look at me) that attempts to portray itself as anything but. I see it everywhere I go. The remote control, automatically flushing toilets, automatic EVERYTHING!
The poorest American is still way better off than the majority of the world's population. Even the homeless in America still have enough money for crack. Meanwhile we continue to popularize the easy way to the shortcut to the promised land. Meanwhile we're still taught that the little things that are necessary to support the big machine are low-class and the people that do them simple. And no, I don't have the answers. I can't even figure out how to get just me to do it differently.
You want to know why most people hate us? It's because a lot of people around the world don't have running water and we can't even lift the fucking lid before we piss. I know what you're thinking though, "I didn't piss on the seat... must've been one of those damn heathen immigrants."
So until next time, True Believers...
The bottle is empty
And the well is dry
November 2007
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