Dear Jane

Dear Jane Alexander
Don’t listen to all the slander
Just live and learn
And if I crash and burn
Use my dying embers to keep yourself warm
Always think outside the norm
And if you dare to
Everyday do something that’ll scare you
There’s nothing with which I can compare you
I never want to share you
You come on so strong it makes me weak
I often stumble over the words I try to speak
Defenses dropped, my soul is bared
When you’re here there’s no reason to be scared
If you need compliments there’s a list I’m compiling
Truthfully, you’re not the reason I wake up, you’re just the reason that I’m smiling
I just want to unwrap your cocoon
You see yourself as an August moon
That doesn’t shine from it’s own light
Only a reflection in the night
But you can’t be lonely because of temporary scars
The night sky’s full of shining stars
And if you still feel dark and alone
You can reflect my light until you can make your own

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