Is He-Man Racist?
Fact- The symbol on He-Man's chest isn't just the symbol for West Coast Choppers, but is dangerously close to several symbols used by the Ku Klux Klan.
Fact- While He-Man doesn't have blue eyes, he does have blonde hair and the "Nordic build" that was used to describe the master race.
Fact- In one episode Plundar the Spoiler referred to He-Man as "That aryan."
Fact- When Prince Adam draws his sword to change into his alter-ego he screams, "I have the power!" What power does he have? White power?
Fact- He-Man and his cronies were referred to as "The Masters of the Universe." Why didn't they just call them "Massas of the universe?"
Fact- The Knights of the KKK have traditionally rode around on horses, He-Man rides around on Battle Cat.
Fact- There's a moral at the end of every episode of He-Man touching on such things as "The dangers of strangers", the environment, adopted parents, drug abuse, peer pressure, but never racism. The closest they ever came was saying it wasn't right not to trust someone that didn't look like you. They never mentioned skin color once, what a cop out. And if you don't believe me, then head on over to and check it out for yourself, they have every moral from every episode.
Possible Fact- To my knowledge, there has never been a black character on He-Man, with the possible exception of Orko or Skeletor who could both be pale skinned. And if they were the black characters the intention was certainly clear. One was the villain and the other was the comic relief. Orko may as well have offered to soft shoe for He-Man.

These are just the facts as I see them.
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