Here Comes The Judge

I was recently told by someone that I was judging them. My knee-jerk reaction was that I'm not a judgmental person. But I really stopped and thought about it. Do I judge people based on beliefs, creed, or color? I thought about it long and hard and the answer is... yes. Yes, I do. I judge people all the time. The first thing that pops into my head when I see somebody is whatever it is about that them is different from me.

Now, with that being said, if you are a rational human being with knowledge of good and evil you are automatically judgmental. It's instinctual. If you don't believe in killing animals then you are judging everyone that does and eats meat to be wrong. If you don't believe in drinking, smoking cigarettes, or doing other drugs then you judge people that do and think that they are wrong. My point is that it is natural to be judgmental and impossible to not be. Even Jesus judged people, and he's pretty much the best guy I know.

It all goes back to right and wrong. Malum in se VS Malum prohibitum. There are things in this world that are evil in and of itself and things that are only against the law because somebody made it that way. Murdering a child, for instance, is probably considered evil in every belief system and country on this planet. However, running a red light at 4 in the morning when there's nobody else on the road, just against the law. After 24 years on this earth I pretty much know where I stand on most things although I am always evolving. But I think I have a good measuring stick that I can hold up to stuff and see if I'm down with it.

Getting back to my original point, I'm judgmental. But does that mean I really care? I kinda think ass fucking another dude is icky, but does that stop me from being friends with gay people? No. I'm a Christian, does that stop me from hanging out with non-Christians? No. I don't smoke weed but I'll sit around and watch cartoons with those that do. Hell. I've sat around while friends of mine have snorted coke and rubbed it into their gums and buttholes and all kinds of other stuff I would never do unless I was really, really drunk. If it's not hurting me and it's not hurting you then who cares? When I see a black person, the first thing I think is, "Hey, look! A black person. Probably on the way to rob somebody." Why? Because I grew up Southern Baptist. So I dismiss the thought and then say hi.

The point is not to be non-judgmental. That's impossible. I think the point is to not let our own beliefs and prejudices dictate anybody's life but our own. If we could do that we could probably end most of the division in this country. Don't like abortions? Great! Don't get one. Don't like fat people? Great! Don't over-eat food that's really bad for you. Don't like black people? Great! Move to Mississippi, etc...

So to the person who said I was judgmental...

Yes, I was judging you.

But no, I don't care. That's all I was trying to say.

Until next time, True Believers...
The bottle is empty
And the well is dry
February 2008

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