My Pain Has A Name
I smile but not inside
Some things hurt worse than pride
Images come to me in a flood
I’ll write you away I think
I’d rather be covered in ink
Then have to wash away the blood
Black and white memories
Blow by with the breeze
I want to see a new day’s dawn
Not a single reprieve
I still taste you when I breathe
Why can’t I drink until you’re gone?
I burned your photographs
To see down dark paths
Where is the light of day
It slipped through like sand
I want to hold your hand
And walk away
I wish I could erase
The smile off your face
We’ve both had hell to pay
The worst is over now
We made it through somehow
And you left anyway
Sometimes I see your face
In pictures that I trace
I can almost feel your touch
My lonesome little dove
You know I had to be in love
To hate you this much
At least my pain has a name
Some people don’t know who to blame
Everything’s a blur
Sometimes it seems
You visit me in dreams
And then things are how they were
Wake up you’re gone again
Leaving me broken
When did things get so tough
No matter how hard I try
Love can be just a lie
If you tell it enough
Your gentle whisper in my ear
Is getting hard to hear
Just when I think you’ve left
I go in my room
Still smell your perfume
I’m a victim of your theft
Go in my closet to find a shirt
Find yours instead and realize the hurt
Throw them out on the porch
Get out of my head
I wish you were skin to shed
But my heart bears the mark of scorch
All those sleepless nights
After every single fight
You left me in a clutch
I remember every push and shove
You know I had to be in love
To miss you this much
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