Over Again
I’ve had things make me frown that shouldn’t have got me down
I haven’t had enough money to take the bus into town
My eyes are green but sometimes I feel blue
It’s hard for me to lie about what I know is true
I have a filthy mouth and my slate's not clean
I’ve smiled a lot while I was being mean
I’ve been shot down and I’ve had bad first dates
I’ve closed some doors and I‘ve crashed some gates
I’ve had sure bets but didn’t place my bid
I’ve grown up a lot but I still act like a kid
I’ve emptied the bottle and I’ve filled the cup
I’ve written it all down and tore most of it up
I’ve been punched and kicked upside my head
I spent a sleepless night in a hospital bed
I’ve been burned and cut but I survived the pain
I’ve had stormy days but I’ve played out in the rain
I haven’t accomplished much, I’ve received no fame
But if I had to do it over again I’d do it all the same
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