Poison Grace
I watch as fallen food is eaten by a mouse
It’s three am in a Waffle House
And when dreams are sought
The world is sleeping I am not
They call me Poison Grace
As a slap in the face
Although it’s just a bluff
For me heaven just isn’t high enough
Eyes rimmed with moisture but no tears fall because
He's forgotten that he's already forgotten who he was
It's a shame that I don't easily bruise
You can pick off that scab if you choose
You’re the reason that it’s there
You’re the reason I pull out my hair
I can’t get your voice out of my head
Maybe they’re right and I’m already dead
Death by poison from the lies you fed
And when I look down I don’t know why my arm’s all red
I can’t solve it with a letter I know because I tried
I can’t fix it with a word I know because I lied
It can’t be mended by emotion I know because I cried
But you can’t hurt me anymore I know because I’ve died
Nobody will ever love me the way you do
And nobody will ever hate you so true
Here’s something with which you can possibly relate
How do you love someone that only knows hate
It won’t ever matter what you say
You can’t have my heart because I already gave it away
She knew I had to grieve
But she didn’t want me to leave
But I wouldn’t have explained
The pain even if I had remained
She knows how my story goes
She meets me in the shadows
That’s the path I chose
The daylight fades my clothes
And the moon arose
My emotions froze
I thought about my woes
And she was like a rose that grows
Even though a cold wind blows
To oppose the morose
Words that I compose
The insecurities of an unpublished poet
Nobody will ever know it
Depressions seed blooms as I sew it
But I will never show it
If anyone took the time to toil
They would find water underneath all my oil
People with mental acuity
Will never find congruity
Because there’s so much ambiguity
In my vicissitudes of vacuity
No matter what arrogant words I’ve spoken
My reflection isn’t attractive enough even though the mirrors broken
It may be tragic
But I’m all out of magic
The secret to my illusion is out and the world is still
She could save me if I let her and I think from now on I will
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