The Wayward Prince
He was alone in the crowd. Using his ability to become anyone he wanted to be, this prince blended and disappeared into the sea of people to be alone with his thoughts. He was different then the rest of the royal family. He was an outsider no matter what bloodlines told. He needed a new beginning, he wanted to blaze his own trail. Suddenly he sensed a presence focused upon him, and he looked up into the eyes of a man he knew somehow recognized him. Wishing to remain anonymous, his gaze pleaded that the man not reveal his identity so he could continue to sort out his life’s path in peace. The stranger smiled and nodded as if he understood, then slipped away through the crowd without saying a word. The prince couldn’t quite comprehend this action and followed the stranger through the crowd and then out of town. He shadowed the man’s actions and finally caught up to and confronted him when they were alone in the forest. He called to the strangers back, “Why didn’t you give me away?”
The stranger halted, and it seemed he would continue on his way without answering, then he calmly replied, “Because I appreciate being left alone.”
The prince decided his path started here, and fell in step with the mysterious stranger, soon they became fast friends, forever leaving the prince’s world behind, forever laughing at a joke only they understood.
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