The Dance

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow
Sometimes sweetly, sometimes for show
We dance to the song in our souls, no one else can hear
The beat is our hearts, whenever we draw near
The melody is in the motion of our sway
The chorus is all the words we mean and do not say
We dance across the floor, we dance near and far
If it were possible we’d pull over and dance inside the car
We dance under the stars and over the steeple
Sometimes we get dressed up and dance as other people
We dance when we are happy, we dance when we are sad
We dance to apologize for making each other mad
We usually dance alone but when others are around
We’re always careful to never make a sound
Now that I have met you, I can never be alone
Because dancing with a partner is always better than dancing on your own
Our dance is always different, you can’t write it down in text
I’ll lead the dance this time, and you can lead the next
But I’ve finally realized the meaning of our myth
Dancing’s not important, but who you’re dancing with

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