Poison Grace III:Through The Pane/Pain

As clouds depart and the sun succumbs
A cold wind blows, something wicked this way comes
Darkness extends its’ hand
Across the land
And stars dot the sky like God’s crumbs

And as Nero fiddles in front of the great city’s debris
He whispers, ‘Don’t lose your head, Marie”
For when the sun goes down and dreams are caught
The world is sleeping, he is not
A ten by ten room sparsely furnished and bare
A desk, a computer, a rolling chair
The scent of cigarette smoke lingers in the air
A man sits unaware, frozen in prayer
Sad he has no one with which to share his despair
Wishing someone would come along and care

I’m afraid I have no defense
For this life of sterile ambience
Everybody takes for granted what you can see
But things look different to me
I have to wear sunglasses to take a look
At all the images that the daylight took
So until science finds a way
I’ll never look upon things in the light of day
I can only take in all the things people think are quite a sight
When I view them not quite lit up by pale moonlight
Or if I go out when the sun shines fair
I can see them through my eyeware
I’ll never see things in all their glory
And that’s the prologue of my life story
Who knows how things would look to you
If you had to view them like I do
Everything seems a little bit more plain
When you view it through the pane

If you could, would you choose
To walk a mile in another’s shoes
To temporarily know their views
To momentarily feel their blues
I’ll tell you all something you may not want to hear but need
There are some cuts that will always bleed
Here’s something to think on if you and I disagree
Try to look through my eyes and attempt to see
Who knows how much it would explain
If in my eyes, you saw the world through the pain

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