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This poem was written to go with a tune that Nick wrote. It was very hard for me to write a piece to go with music. I had all this rhyming nonsense going on with sea and me, ring and sing; all very droll. It turned out to be a good song, though. Very fast paced and punk.
Then another up-and-coming band heard us play it in Columbia and stole the whole thing! They became pretty big with that song, too! It's a good thing they changed the words or else they would've had a lawsuit on their hands. The name of that evil band... contact me personally and I'll tell you. I wouldn't want to defame anyone, not even them.
October 22, 1991

The house in my house, the dream of my dream
"Would you like to take a little walk with me?"
Water of my sea, tear of my eye
You have always been a piece of my mind.

Can you hear how the bells do ring?
Night of all nights, song of me sing
King of my queen, blue of my jean
Can't ever leave where you've always been
Oh it's shameful, the way you cry.