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"All By Myself"

I wrote this in detention. One of two detentions I had in my entire high school career, thank goodness. It was so boring! This was eventually turned into one of the first "Black Annie" songs. It was horrible! We had a drum machine, if you can believe it. It's a great poem, though. It's kind of an autobiographical piece for that slice of time in my life. 'Keana' is Laura Schafer. The 'one screwed dude' is Mark Richardson. Enjoy!
November 15, 1989

Here I am
Where I've always been before
Sitting in my yellow chair
Funky garb and curly hair
My room's just a place to be
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I'll always be forever
My house is big; it covers me
The grass is green with seven trees
Neighbors like and dislike me
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I've always been before
Walking to the lake by Moon
I love to shine but it's too soon
Five years teaching in the ring
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
I was here long time ago
Riding 'x's in the fields
May be sick but it always heals
Weather here is kinda weird
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I've always be forever
Down the street and 'round the Bend
We like to share and 'Violent Femme'
A coded silence without end
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I've always been before
Sing and play and 'Treblemake'
Flippin' out right over the wake
Scary dream of burnt-up steak
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
I was here long time ago
Keana is my lifelong bud
One screwed dude who ain't no stud
The whole wide world is made of mud
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I'll always be forever
Out where there is too much light
'Yes, this is my eral height'
One single kiss and I take flight
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
Where I've always been before
Special guy who I adore
With him I'd roll all over the floor
To get to him I would swim to shore
The rest of life closes on me.

Here I am
I'll be here long after time
When I die I'll go to somewhere
Where it is I really don't much care
As long as I can say that I used to live on Earth and I will face my destiny and if I may I'll try again... as long as I can take my bear
The rest of life closes on me.

Through this thing of life
Surrounded by my fears and friendships
All I do is try my best
I'm all by myself in this race

Here I am
Out here all by...
All by myself.