This is the day I will remember.
The first time I was truly blessed.
The days when a captive heart touched mine,
And reached my arms up to the stars with it.
My days were alone, although spent with him.
I didn't know what to do with my life.
I had no direction and I was lost.
All along I had him there; and I didn't know it.
When he died... I started to live.
I cried and I screamed and I cried some more.
I held a blood spotted cloth to my forehead,
And I sang a perfect song.
Spreading in the green grass around him,
Under a crystal blue June sky,
There seemed a hopeful futility,
Rising, pushing through me and into me.
They say that life is born of death,
That spirit inhabits spirit,
Meshes and intertwines to start a great thing,
And on that day I started mine.
Day after day after that I changed,
I grew and took shape.
With his life inside mine I am newly alive;
That is the day I will always remember.