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"In Dream"

In the Spring of 1994 I started school anew at Meremac. I took general courses to try to find out what I really wanted to do with my life. I had stopped going to UMSL because I couldn't seem to make it to class, not even choir! My parents thought that was surely a sign that I wasn't destined to become a choir director. They had me move back home and "start over". I really hated them for that at the time. Now I thank them for caring enough about me. I think I 've mentioned this
somewhere before.
Anyway, I met Kevin Chrysostomus McGue in one of my classes. Chrysostomus means 'He with the golden mouth'. We became instant friends when I read one of his poems out loud to the class. He said that he had never heard anyone read one of his pieces like that before. He would write long, prosey notes to me, telling me what he had done the night before, always heading them "seleneseleneseleneseleneseleneselene". He bought me a penny whistle made by Feadog Teo and an amazing book about the reality of reality. He is an astounding poet. If I ever get in contact with him again I'll get permission to post some of his great works. This is about him. Later it became a "Prayer" song, beautiful and haunting.
Zivot Je Laska!
April 14, 1994

My glass is raised to you
And all the possibilities you posess.
Though charming and witty,
You die with every bit you divulge.
Promises you keep only to yourself.
If you remember all of your life, it's a miracle.
Miracle, miracle you.

Your single most greatest experience is your witness of music.
My glass to my forehead
I shake my head at you.
In dream I see you,
galavanting across unknown lands.
Yikes! It's getting bright;
The sun burns me as do your eyes.

You have faraway loves, friends, glances.
Miracle, miracle you.
Nebulous, enigmatic, thoughtful.
I shake my head at you.
My glass is raised in a toast...
To you,
Miracle you.
Na Shalladdeno (is that right?)
Oh well! It's just fine, Kevin.
My glass is raised to you,
And I love you, too.