A friend of mine has books on crystals,
On Taoism, and the occult,
But not one of these books has ever been cracked.
I have another chum who says he can do magic,
Cast painful curses, see the future,
But he won't do anything magic when I ask him to;
"It wouldn't be magic, if you knew when I did it."
Laura, my best friend, crosses herself for good luck,
Dave has a rabbits foot,
Leah worships the sun god, Ra, who's rays she's allergic to.
They believe completely.
I read the books that never were opened,
I don't believe in curses,
And I don't believe in luck.
I don't believe in gods or powers or healing rocks,
I laugh when I see a black cat walking in front of my path.
A friend asked me once what I do believe in.
I smiled, and winked,
Tossed my hands in the air and said simply,
"I believe in me."
Read the books: be the flower.